Monday, October 6, 2008

Wording For Lottery Tickets Wedding Favours


Center for Children The Little Treasures Chest Soc. A rl
Via Leonardo da Vinci 6 - Clairvaux (An)
Cell 3497536327 for info from 9.00 to 12.00
agreement with the City of Clairvaux and the Union of Municipalities


Article 1 Definitions
1.Il This Regulation shall, as required by existing laws and regional regulations, the methods of operation, access and organization of centers for children with food and sleep.
2. For the purposes of this Regulation:
- Early Childhood Centre, the educational structure that welcomes girls and boys from six months to three years,
divided into homogeneous groups by age:
- group infants, for children aged six to fifteen months;
- semi-weaned group, for children aged sixteen to twenty-four months
- weaned group, for children from twenty-four months to thirty-six months

Article 2 Purpose '
1.Il the Early Childhood Centre is an educational service of public interest and represents an investment in social and educational policy for the prevention and recognition of rights of the youngest people as social and active.
2.Il the Early Childhood Centre offers courses to children through socialization and meaningful experiences with the goal fondamentale di garantire il loro benessere psico-fisico.
3. Il centro per l’infanzia è finalizzato a:
- promuovere lo sviluppo delle potenzialità , motorie, cognitive, affettive relazionali e sociali delle bambine e dei bambini, nel rispetto della loro identità individuale, culturale e religiosa;
- sostenere le famiglie nella cura dei figli e nelle scelte educative;
- favorire la conciliazione tra tempi di vita e tempi di lavoro;
- contribuire alla prevenzione delle situazioni di svantaggio fisiche, psichiche e sociali.
4. Tali finalità sono garantite:
- da personale educativo professionalmente qualificato ( come da leg reg. n° 9 13 MAGGIO 2003)
- da una corretta definizione and implementing the educational plan, which accompanies and complements the work of the family in an ongoing relationship with this;
- a constant and careful monitoring of results achieved against objectives set;
- from adequate space and fully equipped to enable the realization the various activities.
- from different modes of operation, compared to the times of openness and hospitality services;
5. The educational services for young children constitute a useful meeting and collaboration between girls and boys, parents, educators, families and local communities. They are also an effective family support were women suffering from physical, psychological and social for which social services and local health and social develop targeted intervention projects.

Article 3 Access
1. Can access the center for children in children aged six months to three years;
2. Prerequisite for access to the children's center for those who avail of the City of Clairvaux is the residence in the same municipality.
3. In case of availability and evaluation of social service, the Early Childhood Centre can accommodate children who are residents in other municipalities.
4. In accordance with art. 12 of L. 104/92, access to the Early Childhood Centre is guaranteed to children with disabilities and / or psycho-physical discomfort. The maximum number of children with disabilities to be included in every nursery center is defined annually by the coordination group on the basis of structural and organizational characteristics of each office, with the aim to enable children to have relationships, attention and adequate space to their needs and, simultaneously, the group's educational plan and implement individualized educational plans.
5. The stay in the nursery and the children's area girls and children with disabilities and / or psycho-physical discomfort may continue for a further year at the request of parents, duly certified by the competent services of the Company USL territorial.


Article 4 Admission to the Center for Children is subject to the submission of the application and supporting documentation.
2. The application forms must be submitted on form complete with passport photo of the child, the Secretary of the children's center located in Via Leonardo da Vinci, 6 Clairvaux. Registrations are taken throughout the year at the time of exhaustion of seats will be a waiting list.
3. Children who already attend must submit an application for the following years in March to ensure la continuità del servizio.

Articolo 5 Priorità
1) Le graduatorie saranno predisposte secondo i criteri di valutazione della commissione del Centro per l’infanzia, con priorità:
2) bambini e bambine portatori di handicap certificati dall’ASUR territoriale
3) per le restanti domande in lista di attesa si farà fede alla data di iscrizione riportata sull’apposito modulo.

Articolo 6 Inserimento
1. E’ previsto al Centro per l’infanzia un primo incontro assembleare, di norma l’ultima settimana di agosto al fine di presentare il servizio, rispondere a qualsiasi richiesta di informazioni dei genitori delle bambine e dei bambini ammessi e fissare gli inserimenti.
2. At the meeting will follow the interview with the parents through which they acquire data and information relevant to a free stay at the Early Childhood Centre is during insertion.
3. The timing and mode of entry is not communicated by the manager to parents.
4. The inclusion of girls and children with disabilities and / or psycho-physical discomfort is designed and agreed with the teacher in charge, on application for registration by the parents, will issue a special certificate of "functional diagnosis" provision, if necessary, a specific set of educational support.
5. The acclimation of new children admitted or their return after long absences must be made gradually and in collaboration with families. During the period of acclimatization of new members are to be expected elasticity of time and the presence of a parental figure, as agreed between parents and the manager, taken into account, primarily, the needs of children.
6. In any case, the placement of children admitted to frequency are normally carried out within the month of September.
7. Placements to fill posts that become available later, for example in case of cancellation of service by children already placed, shall be made at any time of the year.

Article 7 shares of contribution
1. At the time of registration must be made to pay a nominal contribution on the annual insurance fee of € 50 followed by monthly payments of the first month of attendance.
2. the amount of the line varies depending on the time band frequency.
Hours / Cost:
• 7.30 to 12.30 (inclusive of snacks and diapers, not including meal-this time slot is compulsory for boys and girls who have not yet completed their first year of age). - Price information directly into the structure.
• 7.30 - 16.00 (including diapers, snacks and lunch) Price information directly into the structure. •
7.30 to 17.30 (including diapers, snacks morning / afternoon and meal (for this time period shall require a minimum of six members) - Information on rates directly in the structure.
3. The payment should be made in monthly cash, check c / co bank transfer not later than the 5th of the month of attendance and invoice will be issued by the Center for Children took place after the payment.
4. The period of adaptation is an integral part of the service, Therefore, the monthly fee is payable by the 1st day of placement of the child until the end of the educational (usually 30 June).
5. The service will focus in July if it is at least a number of members). with formal notification to the manager within the month of March during a special meeting with parents, the need to use the service in that period. The line is full of July for residents of Clairvaux agreements, since July is not covered by the Convention.

Article 8 Annual Calendar
1. The Center for Children works by first of September to the thirty of June, the month of July is optional and is only performed with a minimum of six children, in the time slots are not provided for those of July 7 30 to 16.00 and 7.30 to 17.30.
2. During this period services will be suspended only on days approved by the Department of Education and the Patron Saint's day (January 17), or for interruptions due to force majeure. The Early Childhood Centre will communicate to families the sheet with the dates of closure of the structure. Frequency

Article 9 1. The Center for Children points out, in principle, the following opening hours from Monday to Friday:
• 7.30 to 12.30 (time required for boys and girls who have not completed the first year of age);
• 7.30 - 16.00;
• 7.30 to 17.30
from 7.30 to 9.00 is the expected time of reception. Is required absolute and strict observance of the times chosen.
2. The time of entry and exit will be agreed with the parents of each child according to the needs of each family according to the types of frequency mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article and can be varied in accordance with the manager. Parents are still required to notify by 9 am the son of the possible absence of obvious organizational reasons.

Article 9b Bans
1. The service access is not allowed to outsiders, that is, people outside the circle next parenting of children, unless previously authorized by the manager.
2. It is not allowed to staff take action on changes in hours or closure of the nest or suspension of the table, without the authorization of the Management Committee.
3. For children who have special chronic diseases which require continued therapy, drug delivery will be made by the parents.
4. Parents are not allowed to bring any food. E ', however, ensured compliance with the food and dietary habits related to religious beliefs.

Article 10 Delivery of children
1. Leaving children can not be taken over by outsiders, and where the parents were not capable of undertaking the removal of the child will require, at the beginning of each school year, complete and sign the appropriate form available at the property, detailing the persons authorized by the parent of majority under its responsibility to the withdrawal of the child. The authorized person must be submitted by the parent or educator appear equipped with an identification card. In the event that occur during the school year that is not possible to withdraw the child from the parents or persons permanently delegated, the parent must inform at the time of the morning and to authorize the manager in the form written the adult person identified for removal of the child. If there is no the parent or any authorized persons, the staff is authorized to trace them in collaboration with the local police or security forces.
2. In the case of judicial custody of the child to one parent or another person, the Trustee must show the legal decision of custody.

Article 11 waivers, absences and limitation
1. Families whose children are admitted to the Early Childhood Center are required to submit, in case of cancellation of service, written declaration addressed to the Head of the Centre for Children by the 20 th of the month preceding that in which they intend to stop frequency. The obligation to pay monthly decade only when another child takes over instead of renouncing the child or when the withdrawal was for reasons of health certified by your doctor.
2. The absences of small users, even one day, will be motivated, even by telephone, if possible before 09.00 am the same day.
3. In the case of sick leave exceeding 5 days (including Saturdays and Sundays), the readmission of the child is subject to the submission of appropriate medical certificate.
4. It shall also include the resignation of office by a written notice in the following cases:
- repeated failure to comply with this Regulation and the internal rules of the Center for Children, reported by the responsible structure;
- non-payment, without justification, the percentage of contributions, in terms of art. 7 after a formal reminder
- Unexcused absences exceeding 30 days

Article 12 1. In case of emergency and urgency can not be managed by educators within departments will be promptly notified the parents and, if necessary, emergency medical services. Also to that end, parents are obliged to leave one or more telephone numbers.
2. The internal rules of the Center for Children also govern in cooperation with the pediatric service, where children can not attend the center temporarily for children.
3. The Early Childhood Center staff is not authorized to administer medications.
4. In the case of sick leave exceeding 5 days (including Saturdays and Sundays), the readmission of the child is subject to the submission of appropriate medical certificate.
5.Il teaching staff shall be sought promptly notify the families as soon as possible to remove the child with acute illness (vomiting, earache, etc.) or the following symptoms:
fever - diarrhea (after 3 shocks liquid)
- ossuriasi (worms in the stool)
- lice
- any skin manifestation
suspected infectious disease - suspected conjunctivitis (red eye with secretion)
cold sores - oral thrush
The child will be readmitted upon presentation of a medical certificate attesting to the healing has occurred, even if the absence is less than five days.
6. In suspected cases of dermatological lesions (ringworm, scabies, etc.). The structure immediately notify the health district of jurisdiction
7. In the case of pediculosis (lice) Readmission may occur only from the district

Article 12b
Personal Hygiene 1. Parents should stick to strictly observe the common rules of hygiene and prophylactic (the child's personal hygiene, clothing, etc.).. In particular, it is required to parent di controllare quotidianamente il corredo e sostituirlo qualora fosse necessario.

Articolo 13 Trasferimento di residenza
1. Il cambio di residenza, durante l’anno educativo, del nucleo familiare del bambino frequentante il Centro per l’infanzia, non comporta la dimissione d’ufficio. In tal caso il diritto alla frequenza sarà garantito prevedendo il pagamento della tariffa massima per coloro che da residenti di Chiaravalle e usufruttuari della convenzione dovessero modificare la residenza.

Articolo 14 Organizzazione e percorso educativo
1.Il Centro per l’infanzia offre una serie di spazi “a misura di bambino”, nei quali i piccoli sono stimolati ad esprimere le proprie potenzialità.
2. All this is based on an educational course promoted / implemented jointly by all the professionals in the service and shared with families. Throughout the day groups or sections do business with the following article:
- reception;
- individual work and / or group needs in relation to motor and cognitive, social-emotional
- meal;
- change and rest;
- wake up, break, and resumption of the group;
- reunification with the family according to the schedule.
3. The educational process is defined by:
- the inclusion, which takes place in a phased manner with the presence of the family;
- observation, aimed at understanding the needs for the identification and achievement of specific goals
- the programming that is targeted to the acquisition of skills that lead to the achievement of the child's autonomy and socialization;
- the verification of results against objectives.
4. To ensure optimal educational and useful to the frequency of child center for children must be continuous.

Article 15 1.All
power 'of the Centre for Children's services include an outdoor dining (meals conveyed by the Central Cafeteria City of Clairvaux), which provides a full meal, with snacks mid-morning (in respect of diet and the rules governing the place of childhood).
2.La preparation and service of food is controlled from a qualitative and hygienic in accordance with HACCP, containing the general rules of food hygiene and procedures for verifying compliance with these standards. 3.I
meals are prepared on the basis of the ratings made by the dietary nutritionist. The diet is prepared taking into account the importance of a balanced diet and nutritional needs of each child, differentiated by age.
4. Children who must follow special diets for upset or allergies, they must submit documentation signed by a clinical allergist or pediatrician and on the recommended diet.
5. Children aged six to twelve months of age can not use the canteen because the regulation of regional centers for children with food and sleep provides the service from the first year of age. Article 16 Staff

1. Early Childhood Centre in operating the following positions:
- Coordinator, which performs tasks of direction and technical support to operators of the service and liaises with other local institutions
- Staff education, which takes care of the mental and physical development , emotional and social development of children is entrusted; projects, documents and verification (in collaboration with all education staff) to work with children, working with / supporting parents provide continuity of the educational process;
- individual support (if required) for the physically handicapped.
- Representatives of parents
- Psychologist


Article 17 Transparency
1. The Administration shall provide information on access rules, characteristics and purposes of the services and activities that take place there. It ensures transparency in the management of services, promoting the participation of families.

Article 18 Participation of families
1.The planned active involvement of families in services, through the following ways:
- Participation in the path of integration;
- daily information exchange with the teacher;
- participation in regular meetings to share the path education;
- participation in parties organized within departments;
- participation in thematic meetings.

Article 19 Bodies participation
1.Il Early Childhood Centre pursues its institutional purposes, using the active involvement of parents, through the assembly of the parents, identified as a formal instrument of participation.
2. In the assembly addresses are compared and the pedagogical-educational intervention guidelines and the implementation is verified in terms of effectiveness, quality, equal opportunity and respect for differences.
3. The assembly consists of the parents of all children and children welcome. It meets at least twice a year after the convening of the coordinator.
4. In the Early Childhood Centre is also a parents' representative, elected annually by the Assembly. The representative shall normally meet at the seat of their center, whenever it deems it appropriate and specify at least three times a year. Committee meetings is the office coordinator The Nest.

Article 20 Quality of Service
1. The Administration regularly launches initiatives to assess the quality of service perceived by users. To this end, the services provided to families of appropriate instruments of satisfaction and use survey results to improve the supply.


suggestions and complaints
1.The parents of children enrolled in early childhood centers can address the Administration claims, proposals and critical remarks by the representative of the parents. Article 22 Referral

1.For regulatory matters not expressly provided in these Regulations, reference alle leggi vigenti e ai regolamenti del Piano Socio-Assistenziale regionale vigente, con particolare riguardo alla L.R. 9/03 e rispettivi regolamenti applicativi.

Articolo 23 Entrata in vigore e abrogazioni
1.Il presente regolamento è in vigore e riconfermato annualmente dalla riunione del comitato di gestione del Centro per l’infanzia.



Secondo le disposizioni in materia di periodi contumaciali per esigenze profilattiche, contenute nella circolare n.4 del 13.03.1998 del Ministero della Sanità, il bambino affetto da malattie infettive dovrà essere allontanato by Nido / Early Childhood Centre, and will not be readmitted before the deadlines listed below, subject to a medical certificate.

Measles: not before 5 days after the onset of the exanthem (red spots on the body)
Chickenpox: no earlier than 5 days after the onset of the first vesicles
RUBELLA: no earlier than 7 days after the onset of the exanthem
MUMPS: Do not first of at least 9 days after onset of swelling of the parotid glands
WHOOPING COUGH: no sooner than 5 days after initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy documented by a certificate, if the therapy has not been made, the release will be possible after 3 weeks of onset of the period cough ictal
Scarlet fever: no two days before the start of "appropriate" antibiotic treatment documented in the certificate. If therapy has not been made, the release will be subject to negative 3 throat swabs performed on alternate days
VIRAL HEPATITIS: healing has occurred, as attested by the certificate or doctor or the hospital, and readmission by Pediatric offices of competence
Salmonella readmission by Pediatric offices of jurisdiction to healing and post-negativity of two cultures I cover (attached or documented in the certificate of the attending physician). I cover the cultures should be performed after at least 48 hours in the suspension of any antibiotic treatment.
Scabies: The release will be made at the Pediatric competence, at least one day after the start of specific treatment, the dermatologist prior certificate stating the date of commencement of the treatment
TIGNE: readmission will be made at the Pediatric competence certificate attesting to the dermatologist after appropriate therapy performed. E 'to remember the exclusion from gyms and swimming pools in the case of tinea corporis and pedis for the entire duration of treatment.
lice: the release can only be done by the public service (See Pediatric appropriate) when the child has no more insects or nits (eggs)

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Al When registering, will pay the sum of € 50 for insurance per year per child and the nominal figure for the first monthly fee relating to the chosen time slot.

Once the child entered the whole line will be paid not later than the 5th day of this month even if the child, family or personal reasons, not in kindergarten daily.

The payment of the line is suspended solo nel caso in cui il bambino VENGA RITIRATO dal nido per motivi di salute, quindi accompagnato e giustificato da regolare CERTIFICATO MEDICO.


7.30 - 12.30 senza pasto

7.30 - 16.00 con pasto

7.30 - 17.30 con pasto

( l'orario fino alle 17.30 è operativo solo al raggiungimento di un numero minimo di 6 iscritti )
Il mese di Luglio è facoltativo e non coperto da convenzione, per questo è soggetto a retta mensile diversificata ed è previsto solo l'orario 7.30 - 12.30 senza pasto

Il calendario scolastico seguirà i giorni di chiusura previsti dal Provveditorato agli Studi. I giorni facoltativi di chiusura ( ponti ) saranno gli stessi applicati dal Nido Comunale come previsto dalla convenzione con il Comune di Chiaravalle.