PM10 & c
Particelle sottili: la Commissione europea invia all'Italia un ultimo avvertimento sull'inquinamento dell'aria
La Commissione europea procede contro l’Italia per la mancata osservanza delle norme UE relative ad un pericoloso inquinante atmosferico, il particolato fine o PM10. Queste particelle, contenute principalmente nelle emissioni dell’industria, del traffico e degli impianti di riscaldamento domestico, possono causare asma, problemi cardiovascolari, tumore ai polmoni e morte prematura. Un secondo e ultimo avvertimento scritto è stato inviato all’Italia per il superamento dei valori limite in numerose zone o agglomerati del Paese.
Il commissario UE per l’ambiente Janez Potočnik ha così commentato: “L’inquinamento atmosferico continua a causare ogni anno più di 350 000 morti premature in Europa. In Italia sono ancora troppi i luoghi dove, per ogni 10 000 abitanti, più di 15 persone muoiono prematuramente solo a causa del particolato. Gli Stati membri devono continuare a prendere seriously the European standards for air quality and take the necessary measures to reduce emissions. "
infringement procedure concerning the PM10
The Commission's action follows the entry into force, In June 2008, the new Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe. The Directive allows Member States to request, subject to certain conditions and for certain parts of their territory, a time-limited extension of the deadline to comply with standards for PM10 entered into force in 2005.
early 2009 were sent first warning letters to Member States that had not yet received any requests for extension or not they had done for all the areas where they have exceeded the limit values \u200b\u200bfor PM10.
Following these warning letters, most of the Member States concerned have sent requests for extension. Italy has submitted two notifications, involving some 80 areas located in 17 provinces and autonomous regions. However, the Commission rejected most of the requests because the areas did not meet all the conditions laid down by the Directive. In most cases, Italy was not able to demonstrate that the measures would ensure the observance of limit values \u200b\u200bwithin the period of the extension.
Since Italy did not send new notifications, the Commission decided to send a final written warning. If Italy does not adopt the measures necessary to comply with legislation, the Commission may refer the matter to the EU Court of Justice.
The Commission continues to take decisions on notifications submitted by Member States for an extension. The Commission may proceed to subsequent stages of the infringement procedure against other Member States.
As required by Directive 1999/30/EC relating to limit values \u200b\u200bfor sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and lead, the limit values \u200b\u200bfor PM10 impose an annual concentration of 40 micrograms (g) / m3 and a daily concentration of 50 ug/m3, which can not be exceeded more than 35 times per calendar year.
The extension covers only those areas where there is evidence that, despite the efforts made in 2005 to comply with the EU, the limits have been exceeded due to specific external circumstances. Member States must also demonstrate that you comply with the standards by the new deadline set for June 2011, preparing a plan for air quality.