Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pediatrician In Markham Ontario

skulls and skulls

we apologize for the lack of a little 'time to this part, but due to other commitments we have slowed down a bit parallel' the pace of renovation.
we are still working on some pieces for this spring / summer.

in the meantime we suggest skulls, skulls and skulls with some new creations Licia Woods and Sillies!

of course as always purchased through our shop

Monday, January 24, 2011

Avixe Usb Flash Drive

M'illumino less

M'illumino LESS 2011 U.S. clean energy

turn out the lights and turn on the tricolor

The February 18, 2011 M'illumino back less, the most ever radio campaign on energy saving devised on the globe.

The Energy Saving Day 2011 special edition for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, is scheduled for February 18, 2011. Also this year Caterpillar urges municipalities, associations, schools, businesses and homes all over Italy to join the initiative by creating that "energy silence" which involved the streets across Europe in recent years to make room, where possible, to ignition virtuous, based on renewable sources.

For February 18 we, together with the symbolic shutdowns, switching lights clean original themed flag. Turbine, lanterns, LED or bicycles, tri-color lights that feed throughout the country. We learn to save, to produce clean energy and demand better for everyone.

At the present stage of technological research is already possible to produce energy with the sun, the wind, the sea, the warmth of the land or biomass. Appealing to the inexhaustible ingenuity Italic invitiamo tutti, dagli studenti ai precari, dalle aziende in crisi alle amministrazioni comunali, a misurarsi con la green economy adottando un sistema pulito per spegnere lo spreco e accendere una scenografia tricolore il 18 febbraio 2010. Segnalateci la vostra intenzione di ideare dei M’illumino Mob, eventi che riuniscano più persone, privilegiando luoghi aperti e pubblici, particolarmente visibili, ricreando una sorta di Spedizione dei Mille M’illumino nelle piazze spente di tutt’Italia, per testimoniare la necessità di una gestione più “illuminata” del nostro futuro.

La campagna 2011 inizierà il 24 gennaio, raccontando per radio le buone pratiche di produzione e di consumo intelligente di energia, and giving voice to the most interesting accessions for February 18.

also abroad we will experience for the rationalization of consumption and government virtuous from the standpoint of sustainable management of energy resources. on, you can signal their membership and find all the materials to advertise the initiative in the workplace, at school or in your town.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Should Men Shave Underarms 2010

Meetup Vallecamonica

is born Meetup Vallecamonica:

and now it comes to the thorny issue biomass Sellero .

A good example is the Wood Energy would have to leave the property for rent by 28/12/2010. The next hearing on the dispute with the City on 2 February at the Court of Breno. The TSN was founded with funding from public and now private, but has not yet clarified how it intends to resolve its heavy financial and in particular what is the end of the next investment of € 6 million.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mt. Pinatubo Inolonggapo

Biomass: dossier from the west

Biomass: a brief dossier on the new big buffalo from

of VALERIA ROSSI - In Italy, you know, even excellent ideas are likely to become a boomerang.
let alone only "good", which from the outset have limitations and require very specific care.

The biomass power stations, as well as have been conceived and designed, was not a bad idea for small plants to burn the waste products of local sawmills, with the use of a short chain, would allow power generation and district heating a low environmental impact and cost. And in fact this happens in Germany, Finland and other countries which have put a biomass also because they have large forests and timber virtually unlimited. In Italy this condition does not exist in fact. Deforestation has already been far too kind in regions with high ratio of cement (such as Liguria, of course), so that the majority of disasters as "natural" actually have very little natural: it is the lack of plants and allow roots to landslides, floods, and sometimes tragedies for a few drops of water.
Unfortunately, Italy does not seem to ever be able to face new challenges - but only the new projects - on two criteria: a) common sense (or rather, let's also a sense of proportion), b) the consideration that any new draft should be addressed taking into account the very first thing of interest citizens, the good of the community and not the interests of the individual.
This, mind you, does NOT mean that "no one should make money" not to vivamo Puffolandia. But it means that you can earn the "right", the lawful, without overwhelming any other, and without jeopardizing public safety.
This, in Italy, no longer the case: and the reasons are many, difficult to simplify ... but some just jump in the eyes.
obvious, for example, that the municipalities are all in the throat with water. Why? Because the elimination of ICI before, and so-called "stability pact", then, have in fact and preventing unsustainable cuts imposed on local governments to carry out their tasks effectively.
Conspicuous for that Italian society (and not "the world": the phenomenon is widespread, but here is much worse than average) has now taken the same result of his government: that is, aim at the welfare of the few not only ignoring that of many, but trampling each time this may conflict with the private sector. We live in a world no longer based on solidarity and common good (civic values, but also Christian values), but on your death, vita mea.
is why, in Italy and particularly in our region, from an idea - albeit with some reserve - is acceptable, such as plant biomass, we moved to a business to run rampant, out of control and above all in the running to ruin.
Ruin but before being declared such, is likely to go through a monstrous waste of public resources, and - unfortunately - even through the aggravation of an already unsustainable pollution .............. ....................

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