The Treasure Chest , in conjunction with the Psychologist Vissia Carnevali, organizes the INFANT MASSAGE first course, at the nursery.

- For the first edition of the course will be completely Free
- will develop in 5 weekly meetings of about an hour and a half
- The course is for a maximum group of five mothers with their babies
- Avrà inizio ad ottobre 2007
- per info: dalle 7.30 alle 15.30 cell. 3497536327
Il massaggio del bambino non è una tecnica, è un modo di stare con il proprio bambino.
Il massaggio del bambino è un'antica tradizione presente nella cultura di molti paesi. Recentemente è stata riscoperta e si sta espandendo anche nel mondo occidentale.
L'evidenza clinica e recenti ricerche hanno, also confirmed the positive effect of massage on the development and maturation of the child at different levels.
The baby massage is simple, any parent can learn it easily, flexible, and can adapt to the needs of the child, as a child and during the various stages of its growth.
The massage can accompany, protect and stimulate the growth and health of our children, is a preferred way to communicate and be in touch with him.
the theory and practice of relaxation massage
discussion on the child's mother-father-child communication
nonverbal (smiling, contact through the eyes, contact through the skin ...)
how to vary the massage during your baby's growth
treatment through massage of the child, very often in early childhood events such as constipation, bloating , abdominal colic, crying
massage and the premature child, hospitalized, disabled, adoption, in foster
Vimala Schneider McClure, an American from Colorado, is the person who has worked for the diffusion del massaggio infantile in occidente.Dopo un'esperienza di lavoro in un orfanotrofio in India, durante la quale ha condiviso le tradizioni locali e appreso le modalità di massaggio del bambino tradizionale indiano, decide di studiare ed approfondire i benefici di tale pratica.Siamo nel 1976, Vimala attende il suo primo bambino. Alla nascita perfeziona, attraverso la sua personale esperienza, la sequenza dei massaggi e ne verifica in prima persona i benefici sia per i bambini che per i genitori.Il passaggio successivo è quello di comunicare ad altri genitori la propria esperienza. Inizia, così, ad insegnare il massaggio a piccoli gruppi di genitori e bambini e scrive il suo primo libro "Infant Massage: a Handboock for Loving Parents", tradotto in molte languages \u200b\u200band published in 2000 in Italy, the publisher Bonomi, under the title "massage baby messages of love." studies, insights and personal experience have led to develop Vimala massage as taught today parents, combining into a single harmonic sequence different massages, having different origin, because the benefits they bring to children. The origin of the sequence are the traditional Indian massage, Swedish massage sequence produced by Per Henric Ling (1800), yoga and reflexology plantare.Numerose elements of scientific studies conducted over the years have found and confirmed the benefits that practice of massage offers children, parents and their relationship.

-Promotes a state of in the child-
Helping your child to download and to relieve the tension caused by new situations, stress or illness-small favors relaxation of the child-
stimulates, strengthens and regulates the circulatory system, respiratory, muscular, immune and gastro-intestinal and so it prevents and relieves the discomfort of colic, gas
-can prevent and relieve the discomfort caused by colic
-gas can be a good support in the sleep-wake rhythm disorders
-promotes the child's knowledge of the various parts of the body supporting the development of self-image, so make the child feel open, supported and loved-
favors the attachment bond and strengthens the parent-child relationship
-It 's an experience of deep emotional contact between parents and children, which promotes relaxation of both nourishes and supports
- the art of parenting
Another important benefit of massage is the stimolazione.Principalmente is stimulated feel like a sense organ (rarely feel when you say you think of the entire body surface, but some wealthier parts of receptors, or even just with mani.E 'true that the hands are made to touch and through them we can recognize objects with their eyes closed, but the whole body skin is designed to be touched and receives sensations. We therefore feel that the sense organ is extended!) as the skin sends stimulated through the nerve pathways, afferent to the brain where receives efferents are processed and thus creating a relationship with the environment. A direct consequence of this stimulation is the acceleration of myelination (the baby has not yet completed the process of myelination of the system nervoso) delle fibre nervose. Considerando che la funzione crea l'organo, nella relazione in cui l'afferenza da luogo ad un'efferenza viene rinforzato l'apparato conduttore.In questo caso il massaggio può aiutare a prevenire e attenuare le coliche intestinali che spesso (oltre ad altri fattori, perché in effetti non si conosce la causa specifica delle coliche, anche se Jean Liedloff nel suo "Il concetto del continuum" dice che nelle popolazioni primitive il problema delle coliche non esiste perché il neonato è sempre a contatto pelle a pelle con la madre e questa impara prestissimo a rispondere alle sue richieste di accudimento che vengono velocemente soddisfatte) sono dovute ad una immaturità intestinale.Naturalmente questo non è solo un processo fisico, ma anche psicologico e di relazione. Secondo Spitz lo sviluppo neurologico del bambino è strettamente collegato con la qualità delle esperienze sensoriali che il piccolo vive nel suo rapporto con la madre (manipolazione, dialogo, contatto fisico etc).
Vengono inoltre stimolati:
-L'apparato respiratorio, favorendo l'assunzione e l'utilizzo di O2 ed eliminazione di CO2.
-L'apparato cardiocircolatorio favorendo la perfusione periferica (attraverso l'utilizzo della PO2 trans-cutanea si è visto come la presenza di stress possa essere causa di differenze individuali dei livelli di ossigeno. Il massaggio aiuta a mitigare queste fluttuazioni e può essere usato to keep the child in a state of rest in the presence of stressful events (levies etc)..
-L 'gastro-intestinal system: clockwise massage helps peristalsis and evacuation of air and feces, but a good contact also encourages better digestion and assimilation of food, which increases growth.
-The immune system: cutaneous stimulation in early childhood exerts a beneficial influence on the immune system with important consequences on resistance to infection and disease.
-The lymphatic system by encouraging the return of lymphatic and thus a better nutrition of the cells and a faster elimination of toxins.
-neuro-hormonal system: contact lowers the levels of ACTH in blood and reduces stress, promotes the production of oxytocin and prolactin, which are essential for the survival of the pup and to strengthen the attitude of caring adult.
Then comes the chapter of sensory stimulation.
Vista: during the massage, there is a direct visual contact with the mother and the child observes the face (contours and details), note the expressions (Klaus-Brazelton). If kept in a cradle position with the head aligned with the rest of the body receives stimuli symmetrical and this of course exacerbates the vision and focus, accelerating the myelination of the optic nerve and thus the visual function (the function creates body).
Hearing: always in the position symmetrical to cradle the mother (or father) speaks to the child with an appropriate entry (ie high frequency) who knows (or approve) instinctively. The child receives symmetrical auditory stimulation and begins to measure distances. Talking to the child also becomes a reinforcement of the language. The child, when her mother speaks, in imitation of the sounds produced and the mother (or father) reinforces them, creating an initial verbal dialogue.
Smell: the proximity and the close contact that you are the mother and the child can identify, especially in the early months. In fact, you should use an unscented oil. In a second time to choose the fragrance can become a game and that scent will recognize when the massage.
These are the conclusions of a study on rats accustomed to being touched and handled with care in early childhood, and after the primary immunization and secondary antibodies had a percentage higher than those who had not had this special treatment. It 'possible that this immune power is produced for the conduction mechanism of the substances and hormones of the thymus, a gland that is driving the development of immune function, and also through the mediation of that part of the brain known as ipotalamo.Comunque, without starting from mice, in the '80s was developed method Marsupioterapia especially for infants below the birth weight of 1500g. These Children are immunocompromised and at risk of infection (and often a whole series of problems ranging from the fragility of the system controller to apnea, cyanosis, etc.). Medical science suggests storing them in a sterile environment, with fewer contacts as possible to avoid infection. Experiencing marsupioterapia ie holding the naked child in the mother's breasts in a vertical position (for at least 2 hours, two or more times a day, at least 3 / 4 times a week) it was found that promoting this contact, there were no or infections (but not the child was safe in contact with a sterile environment!), or thermoregulatory problems, apnea or bradycardia crisis. There was however weight gain. That says a lot about the effect of healing massage, ie the transmission of food, warmth, love and everything else is basically required to vivere.Si could talk about education sensoriale.Il full body massage allows an early and complete perception and knowledge of the body schema in cerebrale.In last is not to neglect the incentive to report and to the game: in the first months the child does not use objects to play (there are adults who offer them in the bedroom super-mega-techno-fueled) the first elements of the game are the face of the mother (father), especially the mouth, his hair, his hands, feet later. The mother plays with the body of her child (ant formichina) col viso (questo è l'occhio bello, questo è suo fratello), le manine (pollice dice non c'è di pane, indice dice come faremo?...), con i piedi (piedino bel piedino...) e inventa filastrocche per lui.Altro beneficio del massaggio è il sollievo.Infatti il massaggio all'addome allevia il dolore delle coliche gassose, tonificando il tratto digestivo e aiutando ad eliminare aria e feci. Vi sono casi in cui il massaggio del viso allevia la tensione durante il periodo della dentizione o aiuta a scaricare il nasino durante il raffreddore.Un importante momento di sollievo si ha quando attraverso il massaggio il bambino può dar sfogo ad una tensione emotiva, magari con un bel pianto o una energica attività motoria per poi sprofondare ristoratore.Il sleep in a beautiful chapter of the benefits to us of AIM as a core and 'the interaction and attachment. In fact, we do not teach children to massage, but we teach parents to massage their figli.Attraverso massage because it facilitates the process of bonding.Il bonding is a naturally occurring process and is established when two different particles come together and attract A changing of the polarity of one is reflected on the other resulting in a dynamic relationship and reducing unit in a state of separate entities. In the case of the parent / child relationship is the creation of a question of mutual interaction in which each partner has a role in facilitating the relationship, is a dance during which the partners will follow, driving, say, listening to and working with creating their own dance. And as there is contact in the dance, rhythm, warmth, understanding of looks and movimenti.Il process of bonding is supported by a number of elements: eye contact
Feel Heat
oxytocin and prolactin
Through the close physical contact there is an increased production of maternal hormones (studies have been done in this regard in rats: Moltz 1969)
contractions help the uterus to expel the residue of birth
increase milk production
help the mother to relax and meet the needs of child adequately.
In the latter case it happens that the father who cares and has more contact with your child suffers from this influence. All these elements are widely present at the time of the massage and are developed and interpretati.Possiamo still say that massage increases the confidence in bambino.Il child is a being open and vulnerable so that through the loving touch to learn to let go: it is therefore that we must have the utmost respect for him and ask permission to be massaged. In this way we consider a person in all respects, and we relate to him. During the massage is a great exchange of love and warmth and feeds the child's positive feelings that are the basis of a comportamento positivo, di autostima che lascia il bambino libero di esprimere le proprie emozioni. Infatti durante il massaggio può succedere che il bambino pianga ma succede pure che l'adulto sia più disponibile ad accettarlo e ciò dà enorme fiducia al bambino (sono buono e accettato anche se piango).Inoltre è importante anche il coinvolgimento del padre: il bambino saprà distinguere attraverso il tocco diverso le due figure genitoriali che in effetti sono diverse ma ugualmente amorevoli.E' inoltre importante per il padre rafforzare il suo ruolo paterno e trovarsi un momento tutto per lui da dedicare al figlio senza interferenze esterne.E' chiaro quindi che i benefici del massaggio non sono rivolti al bambino ma anche ai genitori e alla relazione.

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