Knights Templar today because '? 2nd PART
The Path to a Knight Templar feel and operate from Knights Templar is a free choice, today the Templars is an internal state of the soul, is considered and accepted the decision of live their lives according to certain rules of orthodox type that have been handed down by an ordinance that has survived through the centuries to the glory and ferocious persecution is a choice that makes a person a man who feels the need to approach verso il Padre, spogliandosi di tutti quegli orpelli che possano intracciare il suo cammino verso la purificazione di se stesso.
Per far ciò è necessario comprendere le scienze esoteriche ed addentrarsi nei misteri che governano e dirigono i destini dell'Uomo cosmico.
L'alchimia potrebbe essere una di queste strade che è necessario percorrere per sviluppare in associazione in uno stesso processo una cosmologia e una spiritualità attive: la trasformazione della coscienza dell'adepto nei suoi rapporti con le forze dell'universo è unita a una pratica concreta mediante la quale l'alchimista cerca di realizzare nel regno della natura, ma perfezionandolo, il processo di putrefazione e di rigenerazione che accompagna la life itself.
The Great Work (Magnum Opus) alchemy is then the dual realization of purification and transmutation of matter and natural psychic. There is therefore a
alchemy intellectual, moral, social, physiological, astral, animal, plant, and more.
But the spiritual alchemy is the model, the key reason of the other.
The Great Work Great Work physics and mysticism are similar, but by no means identical.
Having realized the second means to achieve the sovereignty before, having realized the first means knowing which path may lead to the implementation of the second, but does not necessarily mean that you path way.
It 's a difference that is a crucial issue, in fact this difference is to give, in the practice of alchemy, the priority to the spiritual regeneration (ergon) as a key to the transmutation of metals (parergon).
again this difference and what distinguishes the alchemy, of all the practical metallurgical spargiriche, alchemy, also known since ancient times, but operating on minerals or plants without taking into account all the esoteric dimension or its sacred alchemy.
Alchemy is, first of all, an art divine, and it is wrong to assume that is an ancestor of chimica.Fulcanelli, master esoteric nineteenth century, shows that the true ancestor of the old chemistry is spagyric, not the hermetic science stessa.Nell 'the sacred alchemy plays a major role, which can only be detected or transmitted in coded language: the chemistry is a gay science, not a collection of recipes empirically definite.L 'alchemist must find something new, but finding a secret.
This secret veiled by a terminology that conceals its concepts behind objects from different symbolic registers that must be determined from time to time to match.
Alchemy is therefore in this respect provided a hermetic cabal of what the ancients called the lengua general (universal) because conceals a double meaning assigned to a double science, the obvious, the other deep.
esoteric science, science that is closer to the symbolic history of religions that chemistry, alchemy stands as the cornerstone of the subject matter which should start operation.
's success is potentially the first discovery of this secret of nature, of this matter from many denominations. The difficulty
interpretations stems from the fact that the material of the work has both the value of an cosmological principle as that of a specific material.
To accomplish the Great Work is the dragon, first of all, to die, the first operation is that the death was a chemical solution or liquefaction.
After shredding, shredding the material, the Opera Black (Nitro), is the Albenda or Opera Bianca.Essa begins with a process of sublimation, by which, under the sign of Jupiter, the soul of body, the land where it was in, turned in the vial in the water and aria.L 'philosophical egg, the globe of crystal, hermetically sealed, nell'athanor is locked, the gas that the Alchemist uses a slow-burning and controlled.
Quest'uovo is both the symbol of the Egg of the World, where everything is separated patiently, so immanent and secret. Continue to heat
during the phase of the moon, it completes the color white.
Mercury sublimed once, it is a white color of a pure whiteness of the snow mountain, with a splendor cristallino.è the creation of 'teaching lesser elixir of long life by the medicinal properties of cellular regeneration : is also called potable gold, the work of the panacea.è resurrection that has resulted in many allegories, virginal, even incestuous, where the child has to impregnate the mother who created it: mercurial waters called, means that all were obtained with an upward motion (liquefaction, sublimation, purification), the great teaching, the other downward motion (Venus - Mars - Sun) will now start, and with it the embodiment of spirito.Vi are further steps that would be long and tedious to describe for the layman, then the Solar stage sees the emergence of the red, is the rubificazione after the baking stone has gone through all the colors of the rainbow.
The projection of a small amount of this powder is enough then to transmute the base body in gold.
The summary of the main stages can only be symbolic, as a symbol and most of the indications given by the alchemists.
Alchemy is one of the more esoteric sciences that has maintained its tight: in the first place historical sense of the term, because it is under the protection of Hermes Trismegistus, the legendary greek character, corresponding to the Egyptian Toth whose sacred doctrine is summarized in the Emerald Tablet, and secondly in the sense of their specificity and difficulty dell'interpetrazione of its concepts, because of the highly initiation of the Opera: the union of Heaven and Earth, the subjective and objective materialization of the spirit and the subtilization materia.Il caduceus, always refer to Hermes (Mercury), summarizes the Sacred Science This explains his constant presence in the esoteric currents of all religions, he is the king of Lagash representation on the Cup, the 2600 BC on tablets of stone Indian nagakals.Esso is both a living symbol and a universal structure, is the key that allows you to decipher the meaning of the correspondences between the sky, world and man.
Own caduceus is to possess a magic wand and have completed the Great Work.
can not be assumed to enter the esoteric science if you do not study the cabala.La cabal is primarily the esoteric thought and Jewish religion.
The character of oral tradition that the mode is fixed and the nature of trasmissione.La cabal realizes in herself, and always, the coincidence oppositorum of two worlds, that of revelation and prophecy.
'S why it was able both to comfort the conservatives or traditionalists cabalistic circles, and confirm the Christian concept of the alliance between the Old and New Testaments, giving the key to esoteric Christians decifrarla.La theophany, his anthropology and His cosmology, are the theoretical support to all the occult sciences, thereby revealing the full scope practice.
through the universalization of the field investigation, it was confirmed his primary vocation of hermeneutics of the symbolic manifestations of the Sacred.
His next form would then coincide with the demonstration of his power in life.
You can not define if not esoteric will also take into account that the Chakras are centers of psychic energy and cosmic energy in the body.
The awakening of the Chakras is sustainable in a conscious and voluntary ascent of Kundalini from the base of the spine to the top of the head at the time of his passing in each of these centers are freed the specific powers of the human being.
The ultimate goal of awakening of the Chakra stands therefore reductive idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal development.
It is the awakening of a universal power, creator of forms, through which the finite consciousness is transformed into self trascendente.Il body is so used to, life, by anonymity, transmuted, but not denied or martyred.
It then signals the existence of an esoteric philosophy of the body, a light body, a glorified body and in this sense the body is not reducible to a set of functions or organs.
Death is not a fact but a state different from that of life.
's the state of metamorphosis of the chrysalis before the flight of the butterfly, death is death in the world but the free man of the compress of the body.
Esoteric teachings put the death in a dialectical relationship with life.
The discourse on death is thus a transposition of the linguistic forms of life.
The foundation of esoteric dialectics of life and death however, goes beyond the similarity of the images, revealing that the problem of death, linked to that of life, equivalent to the problem itself and the world of man.
E 'the experience of death that makes intelligible the idea of \u200b\u200bspirit and spiritual beings, it plays another figure in the sense that the decomposition which promotes germination.
The phoenix reborn from its ashes, like the Sorcerer's Stone requires coincidentia oppositorum.
For anthropology initiatory death remains the itinerary of any lift and redenzioni.Il esoteric principle of death does not establish its own principles on a belief, it is a contradiction of thought, that affirms the unity of the two contrari.Nasce so the images, ideas and experiences relating to the death a whole new epistemology of contradiction, which can not help but neither the practice of a random wild spiritualism, or parapsychological investigation wishing to undertake a review of logical categories that are inappropriate at this level of intelligibility of man and the world.
We spoke briefly of the death, but we wonder is it an end or a beginning, each one of us seeks his answers in faith he chooses, but we are sure that in any one part from turning, the ultimate goal will always be the same, the fact remains that in all things and the solution ' simple and you could touch, if our twisted minds, were not diverted by distorted reasoning.
Reincarnation and 'one of the keys to the esoteric philosophy, reveals the intelligibility' of the world and existence, so that it is based 'on the relation of cause and effect of actions that continue to exist from one life to another.
It is not 'object of belief, but a working hypothesis, that direct thought toward un'interpetrazione the meaning of events and the logic of their linkage.
The action of the subject is so 'enlightened and integrated in a world of analogies and symbols, in the final in a cosmos. The
spirituality 'implied in reincarnation, motivates them, informing them of the ultimate meaning of our journey and the ideals of humanity'.
There can be no liberation and spiritual development without a parallel implementation of a political collective, and human brotherhood.
It 's so that reincarnation takes its full meaning: it is' both a key that unlocks the mysteries at the thought of intelligibility 'world of justice and the law of its action, since' different conceptions Human are always on the cause and effect of his Karma, the actions he has made during its existence. There can be no
observances Orthodox if you do not play by the rules of tradition.
Tradition involves the transmission of knowledge and the fundamental character of this knowledge for the development of a culture, a religion, an initiation.
Tradition is the esoteric field of doctrinal content of the emergence of a civilization and operational thought for the interpretation of history.
Tradition makes a reference to hermeneutics and support initiation.
As the field of symbols and structures of anthropology, Theogony and cosmology, it is the source of all positive history.
the esoteric tradition, therefore, divided the history and symbolism, clarifying with this one.
The Tradition, therefore, may appear as a dogmatic doctrine or as a grid capable of improvement, as a system to decode.
Tradition has so deep roots in the subtle planes of being, it hints at many ways and offers himself to us in relation to their Love, Wisdom and Truth.
can not exist if an order is not identified in the Tradition of the experience of their essays, and started their own masters.
Before going well you need to make a trip back in time and talk about a milestone that makes the Knights Templar at the heart of all the esoteric sciences. This
artifact, which I now speak, contains all the symbolism of the Knights Templar, it is an encyclopedia in stone monument that esotericism has handed down to us all that the first nine knights had discovered the Holy Land.
This work of high architectural value, historical and esoteric is Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland which is located near the village of Roslin 16 km away from Edinburgh.
Even its name is an indication of what they want to pass on, in fact the name translated from Gaelic means "ancient knowledge handed down from generation to generation" and this is very important for the experts.
This Chapel was built by SAINT CLAIR WILLIAM count between 1446 and 1450 in just 4 years.
The count was a descendant of Sir Henry St. Clair who participated in the First Crusade (was one of nine riders) in 1100 along with Hugh de Payns, founder of the Knights Templar, who in 1101 married Cateherine of Saint Claire.
on Rosslyn Chapel have been carried out various studies and research projects whose results are based on several assumptions, including those of particular interest are detected by two publications: The Hiram Key and The Second Messiah written by brother Masons Crhistopher Khight and Robert Lomas. The two brothers
scholars argue that the foundations of Rosslyn Chapel are hidden some manuscripts of comunità di Qmran, riguardante la dottrina cristiana.
La pianta della Cappella di Rosslyn corrisponde a quella del Tempio di Erode realizzato al tempo di Gesù Cristo sul Monte Moria nella città di Gerusalemme laddove, 3000 anni prima, venne costruito il tempio di Salomone.
L'atrio della Cappella è ornato da 14 colonne, due delle quali hanno la stessa collocazione delle colonne principali Boaz e Jachim del tempio di Erode, mentre la struttura sovrastante il pianterreno riporta una rappresentazione della "Gerusalemme Celeste".
Tale disegno proviene dalle volte del Tempio di Erode e venne portato alla luce, nel corso degli scavi archeologici intrapresi intorno al 1119 da Ugo di Payns e altri otto templari, manuscripts with some secrets of the community Qmran.
documents carried by Geoffrey in his hometown of Saint-Omer (right arm of Hugh of Payns) were partly deciphered by an old religious name of Lambert of Saint-Omer.
The scholar deciphered some of the writings, as dying in 1121 failed to complete the task.
Lambert was able to copy, among other things, the representation of the "Heavenly Jerusalem" which contains two columns in addition to other Masonic symbols such as the square and the compass. In the copy of the drawing
Lambert pointed to by the name of Jacob and the two columns under the title of Sion the arc.
Under the twin columns There are three teams each surmounted by a compass, the position in which there are three teams with the two columns, or lower them, it would mean that after the death of Jesus, James was the head of the Jerusalem church and not Pietro.Gli decorative elements that occur inside and outside are symbols associated Masonic esotericism, as well as other elements that make us doubt sull'antecedenza of the facts, that the Knights Templar knew the American lands before 1492 .
In fact, on the other two columns of the 14 mentioned, are carved corn cobs and leaves of aloe plants of American origin unknown at the time of construction of the chapel which dates between ten and twenty years before the discovery of America.
This suggests that a group of Knights Templar, to escape persecution by the Church and Philip the Fair, with a fleet would reach across the North-West Nova Scotia (Canada) in 1398 setting a new garrison in the Castle New Poss to 23 miles off the coast of Oak Island, where it is considered to be other hidden truths discovered by the Templars.
In this chapel are buried, and Sir Henry St.Claire St.Claire Count William, grandfather and grandson.
stones and carvings of the chapel hides an ancient knowledge, maybe even a safe tesoro.Di Chapel hides one thousand references to rites of Babylonian and Egyptian cults, references Celtic and Scandinavian, Jewish and Christian mysticism.
The first thing you notice as a symbol of great value is the "Column of the Apprentice," we see the most beautiful and elegant depiction of the Tree of Life of the biblical tradition, supplemented by some references to pagan representation as the Dragons (Figures unknown to the Jewish-Christian mythology) at the base.
escape from the jaws climbing vines that extend along the length of the column.
Some see this as a link with the Norse mythology, according to which a dragon gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, the great cosmic tree that sustains the universe.
Some theories also suggest that this column may contain a lead casket in which is hidden the legendary cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper and later used to collect his blood, the Holy Grail.
This column is also important because it seems to bind, since the founding myth name of Freemasonry with the Templars and the myth of the chapel.
The ceiling of the chapel is full of stars playing, lilies and roses.
The stars and the roses were traditionally part of the decoration of the temples dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar and her son who rises, but Tammuz.I lilies were carved on the two pillars of Boaz and Jachim in the temple of Jerusalem.
Al centro della navata, a metà tra la quarta colonna di destra e di sinistra, starebbe il centro di una ideale stella a sei punte, un punto che nel tempio originario corrispondeva al punto in cui era custodita l'Arca dell'Alleanza.
Gli Odierni Cavalieri Templari vantano un fatto indiscutibile, le tracce di una presenza templare posteriore al 1314 in Scozia e nei dintorni di Rosslyn, nonchè la presenza in maniera massiccia dell'emblema delle croci templari.
Tutti gli studi esoterici, tendenti all'elevazione spirituale dell'Uomo, portano ad un unico e solo risultato, poiché tendono a convergere verso un unico epicentro, che è il punto d'incontro e la conclusione ultima di tutte le sperimentazioni e le speculazioni del pensiero.
Quando l'Uomo avrà raggiunto tale punto avrà completato la "Grande Opera" e sarà Maestro di se stesso poiché siederà alla destra del Padre.
Noi ora continueremo questo breve cammino speculativo per cercare di far comprendere gli ultimi punti essenziali di questo nostro sintetico e poco sviscerato viaggio esoterico.Ogni persona che si accinge a intraprendere le vie esoteriche sappia che sono vie difficili, perigliose, lunghe, pieni di insidie nonché faticose, e la maggior parte delle volte il traguardo non viene raggiunto, poiché lungo il cammino è sola con se stessa e nessuno è in grado di aiutarla.
Proseguendo il nostro cammino esoterico non possiamo ignorare gli argomenti that will follow will be a prerequisite for those who want to approach life according to the Tradition of Knight Templar.
Every living thing evolves, a different rhythm, which defines and delimits the fields or their own realms of nature, while not excluding the search for continuous improvement.
What does not grow stagnant and eventually regress and disappear.
E 'happened esotericism, beings who, not having developed new faculties symbolized by the new races, representing the last vestiges of humanity in past years.
these are archaic peoples, the lack of history and traditions, prepares not happiness, but a withdrawal, if not a cruel wound.
Even if the spirit becomes matter, does it always matters, an epitome of the spirit, which is recognized as such, the point of being sublimated from the inner fire.
If the involution precedes the development with a view to be found yet, but magnified to an eternity, it must be said that the law of involution of the spirit of the joint cosmological evolution of forms and define the goals of spiritual ascent, at the cost of a reversal at the same time revealing the identity of the structures from top to bottom, the likeness of God and Man and their differenza.Perché if "what's up è come ciò che in basso", come ci dice la Tavoletta di Smeraldo, l'analogia riguarda i loro rapporti ed esclude l'identità.
L'Uomo appare come un individuo fatto di polvere accompagnato da una Donna, il quale dopo l'esperienza del frutto proibito, come dice la Bibbia, apre gli occhi.
La differenza tra principio e particolarità da come risultato l'involuzione, che con la reintegrazione diventa il campo da restringere.
L'evoluzione consiste quindi in una inversione delle prospettive involutive, nella spiritualizzazione della materia, nella sua trasfigurazione in un corpo di gloria, quello di tutte le fisiologie sottili che accompagnano i mistici della rinascita spirituale, la seconda nascita, water and the spirit of the resurrected to life, possessing a body of diamond.
evolution, far from being linear, and therefore knows crisis mutations in any cyclical return to a story that breaks the circularity of the returns themselves to give rise to new possibilities of mystical marriage of Man and the Sacred.
This also shows the existence of a dual relationship, esotericism, between Man and evolution.
A creative relationship as a result, initiation, one of the Masters, that free from any concern for their personal development, participate in the council of the gods, to direct the path of humanity. Now that you mentioned at the beginning al contempo un'inizio e una fine: colui che viene iniziato si è elevato ad un altro livello di coscienza e di percezione che è il germe di tutti gli sviluppi futuri.
L'iniziazione si ottiene tramite un Maestro.
L'iniziazione è un dono, si ricollega alla rivelazione, con la differenza che riguarda in primo luogo una data persona, un adepto.
E come dire che ciò a cui il discepolo viene iniziato lo riguarda personalmente; ma la dottrina trasmessa, il mistero svelato, rivelano al tempo stesso l'universalità del messaggio e il potere di chiave per il singolo adepto.
Attraverso l'iniziazione, la coscienza sulla via della rigenerazione si riappropria del sapere, il quale cessa di essere una questione di opinione, per assurgere ad esperienza dei rapporti tra il Sè, il Sacro ed il mondo; la coscienza fa sua la chiave che rivela rispettivamente l'anima e lo spirito, nella loro infinita e eternità.Iniziazione vuol dire inaugurare un nuovo modo di essere, nuova nascita, quella vera, perchè nascita a se stessi.
Sta all'adepto dar ragione al suo genitore spirituale, cioè essere in saggezza, giustificando il dono della vita che ha fatto di lui una creatura nuova.
Come si nasce fisicamente in una famiglia, così l'iniziazione viene al mondo, un mondo angelico e divino, all'interno di una scuola spirituale, di una congregazione, di un'associazione, di una loggia, una fraternità.
Simultaneously there is the delicate problem of criteria of initiation and initiators, and the initiation of the traditional nature of esotericism.
Similar problems arise in one who withdraws from the world, one where the action comes from the same symbolic level that binds the conscience to his fate.
sense gives priority to action.
Any practice focused on deciphering the symbols on the hermeneutic exegesis to contemporary psychoanalysis, receives part of its power from its relationship with the initiatory function, even if it denies him, or appeared in the eyes of esoteric as a contraindication.
initiation there is a maieutics like a spiritual transference: the long silences of research, his dark nights, her inner dialogues, are a labor of initiation, which has as its goal the revival.
Since initiation involves passing, but also opened the question of the Master that allows such openings, and often requires, if not proposed, the obstacles to be overcome arises from the very moment when the adept has to offer its confidence to refine its initiation discernimento.I three usual criteria, the classification of the disciple, the chain of the Masters and the presence of the rites, must be extended, in the sense that they must not exclude candidates for the evolution and even immobilize the renewal of forms transmission Sacred.
Although it is an awakening, a revelation, the initiative combines two poles of a relationship as Master and the disciple are engaged in a process which calls for work and contributions from one to the other.
The search for self, deciphering the symbolic language, the practice of the rites will be increasingly integrated into our daily lives, returned to his first vocation, that of reflection of the Most High, that a conversion of the glance seems to be able to reconnect in all conscience 'Tree of Life.
can not run out briefly the speech, unless it's on the initiation of Telesma and the Masters. The
Telesma is, according to the Emerald Tablet, the strong force of all forces.
It 's the quintessential present everywhere in the Universe, who gives life and explains the similarities between the worlds.
If what is below is like that which is above and what is above is like what is down is because everything comes from the One, for adaptation. The
Telesma thus has a triple dimension: theophany, anthropological, and cosmological, as stated by the triple affirmation of its truth: "It is true, no lie, true." As a spiritual or divine principle, the Telesma is the life of the Son : at the same time symbolizes the light of the world, the verb, the way the truth and the path.
La conoscenza del Telesma esige simultaneamente la sua ricerca pratica, quindi una triplice iniziazione, a immagine di colui che è diventato tre volte Maestro.
La separazione del sottile dallo spesso e la coagulazione del volatile si fondano sull'esistenza di due processi che accompagnano la genesi dei mondi : involuzione e condensazione dello spirito, evoluzione e spiritualizzazione della materia.
Il Telesma è quindi la chiave dell'Universo, i simboli sono dunque carichi della stessa funzione sintetica, unitaria: il serpente che morde la coda, l'uroboro, il Caduceo di Ermete, il cerchio e il punto operazione del sole, la bacchetta magica.
Si tratta di strutture che rivelano la presenza del Telesma a tutti levels of the manifestation of man, the world and the sacred.
Telesma The dragon is also present in and around the bestiary of interpretation which is the hidden story of his metamorphosis, according to the moment of spiritual and physical in which the consciousness of the adept is able to identify it.
All esoteric teachings of the Master insist Footprint for regulation, but subordinate closely the evolution of spiritual disciple to his initiative, its practice, its efforts as it can be for the rest of the action exerted on him Master.
Hence the need for a real Master, together with that of the criteria for the identification of his disciple and by del discepolo.
E' quindi necessario che il discepolo sia già l'iniziato in potenza che va in cerca del proprio Maestro, se lo riconosce come tale.
La determinazione di concetto di Maestro consiste nella padronanza di se, un requisito necessario per qualsiasi azione cosmica dell'iniziato.
Il Maestro è un essere che è riuscito a controllare, a dominare i suoi pensieri, i suoi sentimenti e i suoi atti…
Dominare i propri pensieri, i propri sentimenti, i propri atti presuppone una metodica, una disciplina speciale, un sapere profondo in relazione alla struttura dell'essere umano, alle forze che circolano in lui, alle corrispondenze esistenti tra tutto il suo essere e i vari domini of nature.
Being Maestro requires knowledge of the extent of the invisible world and the structure of the entire universe.
Life of the Master is finally permanent transmutation of the profane in sacred theophany in place and constantly renewed.
E 'for this reason that the work of the Masters is a work of spiritual creation, which involves the awakening of higher consciousness and mastery of self, the ability to decipher the symbolic language of the living nature and harmony with the permanent Everything, that is why the Master is the unit of a community.
So the quality of nature transmuted Master comes from one who has accomplished the Great Work in various forms, not on his award by the disciple.
To conclude this brief dissertation esoteric to mention the Holy Grail and our conclusions about it.
The sense of the Grail is not reduced, however, its traditional interpretations.
We are not going to find the Grail in the world and in the folds of history, let alone we will consider its various symbolic forms, we Odierni Knights Templars, at the conclusion of our knowledge, it is everywhere, there has always been and there always will be.
The Grail is the meeting point of all initiations, of all traditions.
The true Grail does not have a material existence, is a secret that has to do with the eternal life of the soul ...
It 's the secret of communication with the divine spirit and therefore the liberation of the land.
The Grail is the cradle of the cosmic egg incubation, is the eternal feminine and that is why that is found among us every day, it's a secret so obvious that nobody is able to grasp.
It allows the perpetual motion of the descent and ascent of the Father, the Son, the cycle of purification will be sustained indefinitely, so the masculine nature is represented by a triangle with the tip up to the overlapping nature of women represented by a triangle with the tip down, resulting in the figure of six-pointed star famously known as the "Seal of Solomon."
The Grail will never cease to be tried, because it opens the story to the human theophany.
The Grail is then the seal of our present, the hermeneutical key to our future.
Finally we say that we have not had the most veiled attempt to teach anything, we just express our thoughts and our synthetic lines in which we intend to keep making our esoteric path of today's Knights Templar.
disciples or those who wish to undertake this esoteric path that we will receive only general guidelines and suggestions, freedom of choice and their free agency as well as their inner growth: are the forces that will guide them towards the light and to fulfill the Great Work.
the will 'of the Supreme and in compliance with Human
2004-18 March 18 th day of the third month of the 690th anniversary of GM burned at the stake of Jacques de Molaydalla GeneraleG.M Commandery. Leonardo B. Romano
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