March 18, 1314 The date on which expires the Order of the Knights Templar with the burning of the last Grand Master Jacques de Molay. March 18, 2004
18th day of the 3rd month of the 690th anniversary of GM burned at the stake of Jacques de Molay, the knuckle of the General Chapter decreed the appointment as Grand Master Leonard B. Romano was born and so ':
the' Order of Orthodox Knights Templar of today. "
Today's Order of Orthodox Knights Templar Commandery
GM Leonardo B. Romano
Knights Templar today, why?
This is the question that many will arise and put us, and we must answer today Knights Templar and comprehensive convincenti.E 'very simple, easy and undemanding call themselves "Knights Templar" by relying on the history and legends of the mythical knights did the crusades.
It 'easy to refer to the nine knights who left for the Holy Land and started the company.
defined as descendants of the mythical characters is a presumption that today has no basis, there are more riders define the conditions for the heirs of those reasons driven by political and religious reasons, induced him to take those companies so full of titanic forces indigenous to characterize an era that still are unable to discern the historical facts by the facts and legends so full of mystery and fascination to induce a myriad of writers to pour rivers of ink on the subject.
What has been written, you can still write about "Knights Templar" Knights Templar to us today, we only consider buyers and only some of their basic principles and rules, we may be of interest as a historical fact and do not belong. We'll make
, we identify as the Knights Templars escaped persecution, their new principles of the Knights Templar and we will be with all our means to implement these principles within the company today.
Those who ignore history are condemned to ripeterla.Georg WF Hegel
Those who ignore history are condemned to ripeterla.Georg WF Hegel
In the third millennium, the esoteric, even though we are immersed in a streamlined and technologically advanced world, occupies a large and prestigious.
And who better than the Knights Templar, in the seven centuries, has been able to send so large a wealth of culture and esoteric experience.
He that cometh to esotericism, which is a complex knowledge, is led to reflect on the unit and the coherence of this knowledge, as ways to access it (the historical, methodological, semantics ...) are endless, but each of them sees the peculiar expression of a universal vocation.
Esoteric science is oriented toward the sacred, incorporating the messages of the mythologies, the sacred texts of religions and rivelazioni.Comprende many different aspects of psychic research and discovery within.
concepts like karma, chakcra, mandala, cabal, hierarchy ... they have a well defined meaning and historical origins, but that esotericism are also used outside and beyond the tradition that created them. Before
to take our esoteric path is essential to dwell on the two human figures, the Man and Woman, which are central to the whole disquisition that will lead us to better understand our work towards the realization of the "Great Work".
Man as well as being one of the sexual beings of creation, a universal principle, the keystone of the world, witnessed the creation is destined to rule over it.
In all cases the man was a contemporary of the angels, and since it is the holder of science and was created in the image of God, the angels prostrated themselves before him.
Man looks like a pole while Theogony, a stage of the event the Sacred and the paradigm of cosmogony.
Hence the two figures in anthropology, the Father, this is similar to the supreme God and the Son, through which the explanation unfolds.
As Father, he is the living of the apocalypse, that is, the Elder, whose role is to master.
Thus the Son of Man is merely the expression of what is both the first time the expression of the Father, but is also nothing (En). The Father shows the Son and the Father is revealed Only through Him
As the logos, he is the light produced by the lamp of the Elderly, the Solar Christ of Christian Kabbalah, the power of the Word is identified Hochma so with the second of the Tree of Sefirot life. still Vishnu protects the creation and sends his avatar to the end of the cycle.
Man unselfish, humble of heart, love is universal at the same time the key to the world. "
All power has been given to the Heaven and Earth," because he is related to the Father at the beginning of creation by the expression: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, he is, was and is the Master of all" (Rev. John, 1 - 8) at the end timelines for the fact that they are also the omega of the parousia, it closes the alphabet of mondo.Vita principle, the principle of being, Man is also the unity of two poles that move worlds.
The loss of this unit is one of the reasons for the persistence of the myths of the fall, the descent, which reappear in anthropogenesis together with their counterparts, the myths of redemption and ascension. After the expulsion of Eden, Man and woman are destined to experience the contradiction of duality that is in place.
In the first three verses of Genesis we read in the watermark indicating the route of ascent. (God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us to know good and evil "Genesis 3 - 22), it is therefore to recover the Tree of Life through a che all'Uomo verrà indicato .
L'unità perduta infatti è cominciata, sul piano dell'antropogenesi, con la polarizzazione voluta da Dio dell'Uomo universale.In un primo tempo egli lo aveva creato a sua immagine e somiglianza, il testo aggiunge "li creò Uomo e Donna", appena creata la Donna la coppia viene chiamata all'esperienza del male, del peccato e dell'esilio.Dopo la tentazione simbolica del serpente, l'Uomo si trova davanti a forze cosmiche tentatrici di cui è costretto a lottare per ritrovare l'equilibrio del Sé, requisito indispensabile per ogni iniziazione.
Questa risalita è il processo di tutte le reintegrazioni dell'Uomo nella sua regalità e di tutte le nozze, è il discovery of his status as androgynous stage capital initiatives, the last figure of the universal man, before its physical manifestation.
It 'also the transfiguration of love, the cosmic spiritual union with the Creator, man is then on the path of spiritual gifts, the great figures associated theophanies alliances to the divine.
Man regenerated, solar, then it is an intermediary between the angelic model, that of the celestial hierarchy, is the land of Men, which is not yet a "land of the living, why should that man has become again the the Temple of Dio.Quanto we have shown above in summary for Man, as the Woman esotericism it has always had a threefold function: initiative, Temptress and the Divine Mother.
It is the initiative that provides access to knowledge, the nine muses of Hesiod illustrate the character of the sacred feminine.
Isis Unveiled is the naked truth that shows itself only to the Masters, the cabalistic tree Sefira Binah has the role of master of the universe, but also a narrow gate between its fifty gates, that of fate and the law, they depend on the assessment, life and death.
The purity is the basis of any action that access to the stable realm of divinity is possible only through the evidence of such purity.
Woman has this initiator function only because it is a polarity of the same God, and as such is a structure with an essence of the divine world, just as is the Man. The trinity of theosophy esoteric cosmogenesis foundations of all, they see in their third person the mother who holds the cosmic wheel of time.
The fall of mankind began the seduction of women, and humanity will know the final redemption through the woman.
"It will crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Genesis 3 - 16) and until the redemption of the snake will hurt his heel.
And 'This is the second function of the Woman, chains associated with the symbol of the fall, the descent of matter and evil.
is the necessary process of involution of the spirit, the serpent, with the many adaptations, in this case represents the cosmic energy, the wheel of the zodiac that your heel hurts, it makes the woman's humanity, the victim of energy that it can not control and whose mastery is a pledge of future salvation. In Tantrism
goals are precisely the transformation of sexuality through the awakening and the rise of Kundalini-Shakti, the coronary Chakra, called Sahasrara.
The Marriage of Cana where water is converted into wine, the Seal of Solomon which combines the triangle male to female triangle, and obtaining the Philosopher's Mercury, the planet whose sign expresses the union of the sun and the moon masculine women, celebrated the Eucharist under both species of bread and wine, show that the science of the two principles is Ariadne's thread of tradition esoterica.Applicata the human creature, this esoteric science, then the marriage is spiritual alchemy, the end of evolution: the state of androgynous symbols are expressions at different levels of consciousness, human evolution .
Woman is thus a cosmic principle and anthropological.
initiation begins as involution and through her, this is the way to do ritroso.Si explains the dual face of the Women's vulgar and Heavenly Aphrodite to Plato, the dark occult versions (Lilith and Hecate), but also the antithesis magnified in the virgin Isis.
The gods have their paredre translating their power in the order of the event, the Sefirot themselves are positive and feminine.
Man, the archetype of the divine transcendental, is similar to the Whole in two ways: first, because it is the life of Everything, then because it expresses the wisdom. The spiritual ascent
therefore requires the rule of the snake and the meaning of this renewal must be under the joint auspices of women.
The tradition, as the poet, symbolizing the new era, "the Woman is the future of Man. "
the esoteric character of the Knights Templar
The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon was founded in Jerusalem during the First Crusade between 1118 and 1119 and until 1128 the Knights took no part in any major confrontation, apparently busy with other chores.
recall that before establishing the Order Hugue de Payns, its founder, had made two mysterious trips to Jerusalem, accompanied by his cousin Hugue de Champagne.
It is very difficult then to believe that the nine original Knights of the Order of the core up to 1128 had not bothered to increase their ranks to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land.
We believe, from historical evidence, that the reason for their gathering was a more. first Knights were received by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem in 1119, newly arrived in the Holy City was asked to host the Mount Moriah where the temple stands Lord's, where the king had recently converted the Mosque of Al-Aqsa in building reale.Baldovino agreed, granting them most of the ancient mosque, which soon became a building site for the great works of processing and logistics suffered in a short time .
Since then, the Knights lived, ate, slept and worked in this luogo.Anzi for almost seven years, nearly went out and never let go any stranger.
Their closure within Mount Moriah - and their determination to want it as the headquarters of the Militia - suggests that their goal was just there.
This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that during their stay nine riders will carry out one rather impressive, what they look?, According to many the Ark of the Covenant.
The true function of the Knights then had to search to find relics and manuscripts which might contain the essence of the secret traditions of Judaism and ancient Egypt.
There is no doubt that they were able to complete this particular mission and that their findings were reported in the tradition orale dei circoli segreti dell'Ordine, l'architettura gotica che improvvisamente appare dopo il 1130 è il risultato tangibile delle loro ricerche.
Il profondo significato esoterico dell'Ordine è da ricercare nei sette anni di permanenza dei nove cavalieri in Terra Santa e nei due precedenti viaggi effettuati da Hugue de Payns, ed è colto proprio in questo periodo, in cui vi fu un intenso scambio culturale anche con gli Arabi ed in particolare con le loro istituzioni iniziatiche (Sufi e Assassini).
Grazie al loro isolamento, sorsero in seno all'Ordine orientamenti di origine cabalistica, gnostica ed alchemica, che arricchirono sempre più il loro patrimonio esoterico, consacrando i Templari come il supporto visibile della tradizione iniziatica in occidente.
Influenze alchemiche, d'altronde, si possono riscontrare nel carattere più appariscente dell'Ordine del Tempio, la simbologia.Lo stendardo di combattimento dei Cavalieri, il baussant, ad esempio, era composto di tre colori, a tutti noti: il bianco (Albendo), rappresenta la purezza oppure (in chiave alchemica) lo stadio di risveglio alla luce; il nero (Nitrendo), la forza oppure l'anima addormentata; la croce di colore rosso (Rubendo), indicante la vita oppure la conquista dell'illuminazione interiore.Concludendo la sintesi,ricordiamo l'Ordine del Tempio come l'antesignano dei movimenti iniziatici moderni.
Il Cavaliere Templare basato sulla figura del monaco warrior, combines spiritual and temporal powers, offering an example of a supranational organization and aristocratic, referring to the biblical figure of Melchizedek, king and priest at the same time.
The Knight Templar has not disappeared on March 18, 1314, he is survived by hiding under his clothes several times but continued to operate according to the dictates of Orthodox Order within society mutant was able to pass down through the centuries and up to nowadays science that no inquisition, both religious and political, has managed to destroy.
We demonstrate in a concise and simple teachings of the Knights of the Temple are still valid and applicable to companies technologically advanced, the search for inner growth allows man to achieve a spiritual state that a closer and closer to the Father.
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