As this society reflects and respects our children? Find out with us ..
Thursday 15 November 17:00 to 19:00 hours
(path social historian on early childhood)
Rapporteur: Romina Clean, Psychologist graduate student in Systemic Family Psychotherapy
Meeting 2 - "I have two moms, two dads, eight grandparents and six brothers, but I feel so alone! "
(the new extended families)
Rapporteur: Daniela Molinelli, developmental psychology and education
3 Meeting - Woman, wife, lover, worker and mother ... but no rights!
(the complex role of women in 2007)
Rapporteur: Vissia Carnevali, seven local health psychologist psychotherapist with the attorney of the Court of Ancona, Antonella Andreoli
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 5 hours 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Meeting
4 - "Mamma TVTTB"
(such as technology and media influence on the language of our children)
Speaker: Arianna Montesi, Speech Therapist
5 Incontro – TiC TaC fa l’orologio..
( la gestione del tempo)
Relatore: Daniela Molinelli, Psicologa dello sviluppo e dell'educazione
Il primo anno (ottobre 2005) il seminario "To be born and grow with the child" had a catchment area of \u200b\u200babout 30 people, the second year (November 2006) we have doubled, reaching a successful outcome of 60-70 admissions.
These seminars are open to all : parents, educators, students, volunteers.
During these two years we found the presence of a diverse audience, in addition to high school students to address social teaching these workshops count number 1 and credits the teachers and educators, the meetings are validated as refresher courses.
We always managed to keep the seminars FREE thanks to the win for two consecutive years of the competition for the provision of funds in the social, organized by the "Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi", we would then build upon it to provide training and information to all.
year than other years, we have focused more to the social and the individual child, convinced that a route should take into account the psychological and pedagogical, now more than ever, the surrounding context in which the person is armed.
MEETINGS meet with much success, because they are structured in such a way as to involve the audience looking as little as possible to meet the front e tentando se possibile di organizzare un cerchio di discussione, oppure incontri dinamici e interattivi ( es. incontro di arte terapia “setting arteterapico”, di musico terapia “setting musicoterapico”, fiabe da leggere e commentare, test da compilare e discutere assieme… )
Gli incontri in genere durano 2 ore 2 ore e 30 ciascuno, in modo da mantenere un alto livello di attenzione e non annoiare i presenti.
In due ore GLI ARGOMENTI SCELTI , che in genere sono di ampio studio, vengono selezionati in maniera tale da offrire un’infarinatura generale del tema trattato e regalare indicazioni pratiche per il quotidiano di tutti noi.
Essendo una cooperativa con servizio nursery offering assistance, the sole purpose of arguments is always the child and early childhood, knowing that if the individual is educated from an early age to live in a civilized and balanced then we will find reflected in the company's future.