Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Western Southern Scam



The kindergarten "The Treasure Chest" has always adopted programs that coeducation is not limited to one school of thought psycho-pedagogical, aware that every resident quality educational theory but must be selected and applied to the uniqueness of the individual.
Every child has its own characteristics, so they must enhance and develop without excessive rigidity and without any form of taxation but enticing the subject to find yourself trying new ideas for growth to flower the critical spirit of discrimination in positive and negative events that he encounters in life.

The adult then the child must listen, understand their needs and meet them ever so helpful, but educating the little personal autonomy, emotional, cognitive and psychological.

"The Labors of Hercules"

For your child to kindergarten every activity that takes place, then in a shared environment with other "puppies" is a commitment, a job, a new stimulus. If only the environment capital is hard for him (obviously a nice effort!): small battles for "stealing" a game, fumbling on all fours among many homo erectus and instabilis casinistis, taste all the puppets rubber repellent, listen to loud songs of those who already mumbles unintelligible words or talk!
Groped to sleep while the cradle will mate yells, his voice Pavarottiana, the air of "Nessun dorma" in his ears!


eating with ravenous Aboriginal children who want to fuck things from the plate, I do not know any of the bon ton seem to be the end of the meal table and circus clown, mouth and cheeks red sauce, hand-fork, and some burping sound like it!
short, a real jungle of news!

The educator, in dealing with the semidivezzi is extremely comprehensive and attentive to the safety of the child, first of all, and motor development: the nursery is a warm parquet floor mats and cushioned soft cushions where you can sit , roll and crawl till you drop on the floor, there are many "baskets filled with treasures that develop the tactile, visual, smell, taste and sound of the child (the basket of treasures is an activity Montessori).


Then there are the games structured interlocking (wooden and plastic) to browse the booklets, the balls roll, and sometimes there are also the arms of Education, some cuddle and some sweet and relaxing song, when we 'take' nostalgia for the mother.

In the path of growth of the infant-child semidivezzo milestones are:

· The sitting position independently without the help of seats, cushions and anything else
· The phase of crawling (do not panic immediately if your child wants to run! Some children skip this step and start to want to stand, maybe leaning against a wall or curtains to hand)
· The first steps
· The chewing (food pass from liquid to solid food)
· The babbling: first hints of syllables, first words (ta-ta, ma-ma, pa-pa)
˙ Characters-phrases: awareness of verbalization and use it to get something ("Water" I'm thirsty - "Nanna" I sleep - "Pappa" I'm hungry, etc. etc.)

The baby nursery is stimulated by the teacher to achieve these milestones.



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