Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Farmerama Skad Kasztanowiec

Educational programs for weaned

WORK 'DAY OF weaned:
"The world at your fingertips"


The child in this period of life feels really great! She can speak, can walk run and jump, grab and throw objects, "can write", he understands the meaning of a book knows that there are content that are reading and telling, discriminate objects, shapes, colors, feelings and above all know how to tell it all!
move independently and even if "do not knows" it sticks in trouble all the time, so now they need our guidance more than ever, but loves to rebel against our rules! (Develops its own personality).
adult intelligence then, is to "make friends" little fever and increase in the respect that he has for us, not devaluing her self-esteem.
terrorize the child is not quite in the style of trash treasures ", the teachers become accomplices of the" dwarf speaking "make it fun in the experiences cognitive and work, while pointing to the child learn the rules and regulations of the facility.
To do this we need an absolute constancy and consistency is still a NO NO and YES remains a YES.
Not to mention the good example that the teacher has to give, otherwise he loses confidence in the credit and child who always imitates the behaviors of others.


In the course of growth of the child weaned milestones are:

• Development of vocabulary
• Development in the perception of psycho-motor spaces and sua posizione in essi
· Sviluppo della percezione temporale ( ancora il bambino è troppo piccolo per capire i concetti di spazio-tempo, ma comunque all’asilo nido si stendono le prime basi per gli apprendimenti futuri)
· Sviluppo della psicomotricità fine ( disegno, impugnatura del pennarello, delle posate ecc)
· Sviluppo della creatività
· Socializzazione , rispetto dell’altro
· Controllo sfinterico (levare il pannolino)
· Estinzione del vizio della suzione ( eliminare l’uso pacifier and the bottle)
· Learn many new concepts


· play free

· Design with various techniques and materials (markers, crayons , wax color, tempera, finger color, watercolors), clipping, gluing, handling with and without plastic molds (tennis).

° Discrimination color

° Discrimination of forms

° Discrimination of people-people, animals, things

° Discrimination of taste and odor
· Games motors (paths with stairs, slopes, holes, tunnels, swimming pool with the balls) and pre-positions and subject to change due to verbal stimuli, auditory, visual.
· Games water (only in summer: swimming in the pool in the garden)
· Games Role and disguises
· Games snap (construction, puzzles)
Canto and dancing (the development of musicality)
· Activities for 'personal autonomy: the linkage processes, imitation, play-premium, hand-washing, lay, eat, drink from a cup, pee on the potty, going to bed, tidy the room, helping a friend .. all by yourself! As

detto, l’intera giornata all’asilo è una attività, un lavoro continuo per il bambino, questo genere di attività per lo sviluppo vengono messe in pratica ogni istante, a volte anche spontaneamente dal bambino e guidati dall’insegnante.
In più, lo stimolo principale, scatta autonomamente tra i bambini che si imitano a vicenda per essere coesi nel gruppo da cui traggono la maggiore gratificazione e affermazione psico-sociale: è per questo che vostro figlio a scuola mangia senza problemi magari anche la verdura, si addormenta da solo, gioca per ore scordandosi di casa, si fa cambiare senza problemi e da retta alle insegnanti.
Non abbiamo la bacchetta magica, sono i vostri figli che “si aiutano” each other.



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