Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Population of Elected Public

Step Request for access to documents . To support the national campaign for the establishment of the Italian Radicals Population of Elected Public RadicaliSondrio also are mobilizing.
On September 21, 2010 at the offices in charge of
Municipality and the Province of Sondrio
, we have filed for access to documents in order to know the information (among others) the provincial and municipal councilors are required to submit and made available to the public.
Law No 441/1982 on "Measures for the advertisement of the position of elected representatives and executive positions in some institutions."
sono tenuti  presentare: - una dichiarazione concernente i diritti reali su beni immobili e su beni mobili iscritti in pubblici registri; le azioni di società; le quote di partecipazione a società; l' esercizio di funzioni di amministratore o di sindaco di società; - copia dell' ultima dichiarazione dei redditi soggetta all'imposta sui redditi delle persone fisiche;
-una dichiarazione concernente le ultime spese elettorali sostenute e le obbligazioni assunte per la propaganda elettorale ovvero l' attestazione di essersi avvalsi exclusively of materials and means of propaganda, made available to the party or political grouping to which they belong.

Given that the Law 441/1982 also stipulates that all citizens electoral roll are entitled to know the above statements to ask ' office competent to be able to obtain copies of the statements referred to in Law 441/1982 in possession of the Administration, with particular reference to years 2008, 2009, 2010 .
On September 24, 2010 the town of Sondrio start the procedure - acceptance for access to administrative documentation stating inter alia that in relation to the inquiry in respect of the councilors "the City hereby welcomes the entirety by reference to the years Solar
2007 and 2008 which were the last available year, "and that applicants can" ... see and take copies of what is required, upon payment of the cost of
€ 0.26 per each sheet
" .
To date (October 7, 2010)
the Province do not have received notices.

Soon we will give more information.
John Sansi for RadicaliSondrio


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