Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What To Say On A Muslim Wedding Card

No to the death penalty for Tareq Aziz


Roma, 26 ott. - (Adnkronos) - Il governo intervenga affinche' sia "evitata" l'esecuzione della condanna a morte di Tareq Aziz. E' l'impegno contenuto nella mozione firmata da Emma Bonino, Lamberto Dini, Felice Belisario, Pasquale Viespoli, Giampiero D'Alia, Luigi Compagna, Franco Marini, Giorgio Tonini, Pietro Marcenaro e Adriana Poli Bortone in favore di un'azione a favore dell'ex ministro degli Esteri iracheno. Nella mozione si ricorda che la sentenza concerns one of the seven trials in which Aziz and 'accused and the charges relate to gross and systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and can not' be no impunity '. This 'However, "the Iraqi criminal justice system can not' does not take account of international standards of justice" under which courts and international criminal courts "exclusive use of the death penalty for war crimes, genocide and crimes against 'humanity'. " The motion, of which 'was requested the scheduling of work in the classroom on Thursday' next remembers the mobilization of hundreds of parliamentarians from all parties, of Nobel laureates and celebrities' around the world as part of 'initiative of 'Cain' and the Radical Party and the strike of hunger and thirst of Marco Pannella, there is, among other things, that "another witness excellent hanging, Iraq would risk repeating the tragic error already 'committed with Saddam Hussein, preventing the establishment of truth ', which is an inalienable fundamental right and interest of the community' human '.


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