Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Confidentiality Clause In A Service Contract

in silence

giuliano.ghilotti @ fastwebnet.it

in silence
A peek into banking territory Catholic IOR Valtellinese Credit, Credito Artigiano .

" It 's easier for a camel through the eye of un ago,
che un ricco entri nel Regno di Dio”
(un signore che scacciava i mercanti dal tempio)

Ci sono uomini qui nella Città del Vaticano che hanno dimenticato il loro compito.
Hanno ridotto questo luogo ad una piazza di mercato.
Ecco perché farò questi cambiamenti”
(Papa Albino Luciani)
IOR, un armadio zeppo di scheletri.
Cos’è, e quali sono i trascorsi IOR (Institute for Works of Religion) everyone knows, but the majority of Italians, of course.
The history of the Vatican Bank in recent decades is a veritable museum of horrors: her experience is often intertwined with the worst record of political, judicial, black, our country, with a frightening number of crimes and shady.
Gelli, creator of the masonic lodge P2 diverted, and his deputy Ortolani (in his house there were pre-conclave meetings before the election of Paul VI) , both with free access to the papal statelet ; Sindona (considered the banker of the Mafia); Calvi, president of unscrupulous Banco Ambrosiano latter two were acting with the strong bond of Archbishop Marcinkus , long-time president IOR pupil of Paul VI.
the death of the pope, took over the "church of the poor " Albino Luciani, man of steadfast faith in but in the power and money (Marco Pannella would say), but far from simple naive, able man, knowledge of six languages, did not take long to understand the abyss of corruption in the institution the Church is falling: from the very first days his gait is a surprising break that sowing panic in the highest floors in the Vatican hopes as ordinary people, the convene September 28, 1978 the Secretary of State Jean Villot and predicts what already was in the air clean sweep at IOR.
The next morning after only 33 days of "kingdom", was found dead : heart attack, the Vatican poisoned, according to those who have for years investigated, with the comfort of the most trusted people close to the Pope , the relatives, the medical officer.
The appointment of John Paul II allows all the pieces to maintain their place and the three cited " Bankers of God" lead to extreme consequences shady plots, feeding the tumor bank of complicity with the Mafia drug money laundering and weapons, bribes and personal enrichment.
The attempt to escape justice and the inevitable crash of Catholic banks will result in a long line of corpses, by the court reporter Alessandrini Pecorelli, by the liquidator of the Banco Ambrosiano Ambrosoli Varisco the colonel and the head the flying squad Boris Giuliano in Palermo; even death in custody of Sindona with bad coffee laced cyanide to Calvi committed suicide under the Ponte Dei Frati Blacks in London and his secretary who flies from the fourth floor of the bank in Milan, unable to close an epoch.
Years later, in 1993, the IOR is grappling with the case Enimont the mother of all bribes, (see document by clicking HERE ; one of the thousands who Bishop Dardozzi , from the stomach to remove the iceberg, decided to publish after his death).
When the "bomb" explodes, the bribes to reveal a glimpse of nonsense about 130 billion lire, of which 2 / 3 transited and cleared by the IOR, which others stumble in an exquisite corpse, those of the suicide of the President 's ENI, Gabriele Cagliari and Raul Gardini.
The past prefigures and affect the present. And veniamoci, to the present.

One thing leads to another.
As reported by the national press on 18 January 2010 Credit Valtellinese notify the Bank of Italy, which controls the Credito Artigiano, to apply "enhanced requirements" against the IOR, as foreign bank outside the Community. Within 90 days of the IOR must sign a formal commitment to " communicate data and information on their clients, the purpose of the report on the provision of benefits on the execution of transfers and cash transactions."
The Boards of Directors of Credito Valtellinese and Credito Artigiano have decided with effect from April 19, 2010, of disrupting the operation of 49,557 account opened by IOR at the Rome headquarters of the Credito Artigiano, at the which at that date are deposited about 28 million of € .
Il 14 settembre 2010, la Direzione del Credito Artigiano avrebbe comunicato a Bankitalia che lo IOR ha richiesto, il 6 settembre, di procedere comunque con l’esecuzione di due bonifici di 3 e 20 milioni di € alla Banca del Fucino e alla JP Morgan Frankfurt, rivelando l’impossibilità di adempiere agli obblighi di verifica rafforzata e chiedendo la sospensione delle operazioni.
Parte l’indagine della Procura di Roma nei confronti del presidente IOR Gotti Tedeschi e del Direttore Generale Paolo Cipriani per omissioni in violazione delle norme anti-riciclaggio ed il sequestro dei 23 milioni di euro del conto.
Per il Vaticano, che interviene a difesa del buon nome dello IOR, si tratta di “ un equivoco, che ora si sta esaminando ” ribadendo “ la sua totale fiducia nei dirigenti e la volontà della piena trasparenza delle operazioni finanziarie da esso compiute ”.
Si tratterebbe di semplici “ operazioni di tesoreria di cui è destinatario lo stesso Istituto su conti di sua pertinenza esistenti presso altri istituti di credito”.
La stampa riferisce che nel decreto di sequestro il G.I.P Maria Teresa Covatta rileva che tra dic. 2007 e nov. 2009, tra le voci in uscita (per 116,3 milioni ) e in entrata (For 117 600 000), finding operations that leave open more than a doubt; 72 million from the likely extinction of other accounts held with the same IOR Credito Artigiano and payments to 2.1 million in cashier's checks of subjects never coincide with the IOR, for many stakeholders.

In late September a few days will be credited to the hypothesis that the deep throat that he would take the Bank of Italy may be the inspection body Censi De Giovanni, president of Credit Valtellinese until Vatican intervention that betrays how such ridiculous assumptions. On the contrary, were true, we should consider title on the intervention of De Censi, in order to comply with the law.
is then assigned to a zealous ( honest, we would say ) Roman official Credito Artigiano the paternity of the complaint: whoever it is, rendiamogli honor and thanks.
De Censi is advisor to the Board of Superintendence the IOR, but it is also chairman of Credit Valtellinese , considered the largest banking group in the Italian Catholic, which controls, among many banks, the Credito Artigiano .
De Censi, ritenuto in buoni rapporti col Ministro Tremonti, con le 500 agenzie delle sue banche e l’ascesa allo IOR, è personaggio di primissimo piano, nel mondo bancario italiano ed internazionale.
Ma perché nascondere l’identità di intestatari e destinatari e le causali dell’operazione? Sono fondi per il sostegno dei cristiani Montagnar in Vietnam, perseguitati e decimati da un regime sanguinario, o di qualcuna delle vittime della tirannide sparse nel mondo? Ci speriamo poco.
L’ipotesi che trova più credito , come indica il reato ipotizzato, è quella della finalità di riciclaggio , malgrado i buoni propositi (con where the streets are paved hell) always expressed for the future, transparency ; use of banks' friends " to succeed in the operation.
From IOR has passed all funds for good and for works of religion and money for works of evil and wrongdoing: it is possible that they are still present and active in the accounts of IOR also dispersed at various institutions. But how do you get rid of without revealing its secrets (and risk investigations, kidnappings and beatings resulting in candid good name of the Catholic institution)?
O really believe we have to 'speak in misunderstanding between banks, however, where all using the Italian language, with emphasis Valtellina those who smugly Vatican?
not seen anything in the local press , so far, and perhaps the public deserves some explanation or justification.
Credit Gentlemen: the mystery revealed!

Sources: " Vatican spa , Gianluigi Nuzzi, ed. Chiarelettere; " In the name of God " David Yallop, ed. Tullio Pironti; sites republic Business & Finance "," Corriere della Sera, "Il Sole 24 Ore", "the press", "secular apocalypse", "AGI".

IOR letter from the President to Vatican Secretary of State on the tangent Enimont
(from Vatican spa ", Gianluigi Nuzzi, Chiarelettere editions)


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