Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Formigoni crook! Visit the prison in Sondrio

Valter Vecellio. The unbearable silence on Formigoni
November 15, 2010
is a question that calls answered by the secretary of the PD Pierluigi Bersani, but of the other opposition leaders : Nichi Vendola, Antonio Di Pietro, Beppe Grillo even. It is the question of who does not understand their silence on a scandalous affair, and that other countries would be discussed with a consolidated democracy, clarified, if they ask why the general public would be made in a position to know and be able to judge.
spoken of the 'affair Formigoni. He let himself go in the cavalry that the current president of the Lombardy Region is in its fourth consecutive mandate, where the law requires can not be more than two. But now we are faced with something much more serious: the law provides that any list must match a certain number of signatures of voters who, when confronted with an authenticator, subscribe to those applications. It was established beyond a reasonable doubt a resounding, blinding fake lists connected to Formigoni: citizens who have publicly declared they had voted for the candidate opposing Formigoni to have discovered that it has signed lists of its support, of course without their knowledge; more: calligraphic experts have found that whole lists of signatures have been penned by the same hand ... In short, a resounding false, a blatant violation of the law.
The complaint of radicals, the unheard cry for weeks: a fraud perpetrated with such ease to give the impression that impunity has been previously guaranteed and insured.
The question is, why it is accepted, even by leader of the opposition, and that should be the first to lead the battle for legality, there are politicians who draw up rules and then are the first to violate them? It is a deafening silence ... Bersani, Di Pietro, Vendola, Cricket: If a governor is elected for a region of a fourth term, and does so with the lists made up, do not find it necessary, fair, appropriate and urgent to understand what has happened? Why, for "Annozero" with Formigoni in front, you have not pressed on this, you have not asked to account for anything? He was there before you, you could profit by it, why do not you have thought?
We are not talking here of the greatest systems of alliances and more or less futuristic scenarios. We talk about things "trivial" information does not inform, that opposition does not oppose, and who is silent consents. It is a matter of law enforcement, rule of law. It's a small thing? Re-establish the truth about a fact of the utmost seriousness, is it not essential question, pre-court?

Valter Vecellio
(from Radical News , November 15, 2010)


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