Monday, February 14, 2011

Ghost Installer Silent Installation Aspupload

M'illumino less

day energy saving initiatives

Program surfed

JOINT Malegno

At the event the City of Malegno promotes initiative M'illumino Less "Program of the day

- 17.00 Hours of opening solar park "Creon"
- 18.30 hours at the board room table discussion on "Park photovoltaics, accounting for CO2, EMAS registration: strategic choices for Malegno"
- 20.00 hours at the ' oratory Tricolore candlelight dinner (reservations at nos 3293448776 and 3472522311)


At event the City of Cevo promotes initiative M'illumino minus

Program of the day - 17.00 presentation of the photovoltaic park Canneto
- 19:00 pm Relay tricolor Canneto - Cevo Admission: Walking through the Alpine Group the country "in the dark."
- 19.30 Torchlight flag, the Cross of the Pope
Concerto In an evocative choreography bands and choirs will perform with Camuni Inno di Mameli final song.
- 20.30 Dinner by candlelight in restaurants and pizzerias.
Romantic and picturesque, entertained by bands and choirs (and info on participating restaurants

Program of the various local initiatives

TOWN Marone

The City of Marone February 18 will implement the following initiatives:
a) call for all traders to "turn off" the light at its premises from 18.00 to 20.00 utilizando different forms of light (candles, etc.).
b) off the lighting of the town hall square and adjacent
c) lighting of the lake and off the public square by replacing the lights of the battery poles with torches.


Friday, February 18, 2011, as every year, starting at 19:00 will take the initiative "Via Lucis" religious path of light, prayer and poetry in honor of Saint Gertrude Comensoli, nostra condittadina nel giorno della sua morte.
La manifestazione propone momenti di recitazione, canto e musica con la partecipazione del "Silence Teatro". L'illuminazione pubblica nel Centro Storico del Borgo viene completamente spenta: le vie del borgo saranno straordinariamente illuminate da suggestivi lumi.
Quest'anno, cadendo la ricorrenza nel giorno di M'illumino di meno, piace significare assieme al carattere preminentemente sacro, questa correlazione con la volontà dell'amministrazione di voler agire in favore del risparmio energetico.


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