Friday, December 10, 2010
Actress Aishwarya Rai Boobs
With Christmas draws near, the President is pleased di annunciare la nascita di una nuova stella di nome Ilaria.
Congratulazioni a mamma Ketty e papà Mirco.
Giovanna Depedro
Monday, December 6, 2010
Horoscope Birthday Compatibility
under the tree? All Star
a gift in anticipation of the holiday season!
with C'est Elle Zen you have our t-shirts

a gift in anticipation of the holiday season!
with C'est Elle Zen you have our t-shirts
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Use Deity In A Acrostic Poem
Parliamentary question to the freedom of the press (L 'GAZETIN)
radical sondrio
Il 16 novembre scorso è stata presentata alla Camera dei Deputati un'interrogazione parlamentare al Ministro della Giustizia, con prima firmataria l'on. RITA BERNARDINI congiuntamente agli altri deputati radicali eletti nelle liste del Partito Democratico
, riguardante le numerose azioni giudiziarie, intraprese nel corso dell'ultimo decennio, dal curatore fallimentare MARCO COTTICA e dal giudice delegato al fallimento FABRIZIO FANFARILLO nei confronti del giornale indipendente di cronaca civile“'L GAZETIN” per la pubblicazione di una serie di articoli sulla vicenda relativa al FALLIMENTO GIANONCELLI.
, riguardante le numerose azioni giudiziarie, intraprese nel corso dell'ultimo decennio, dal curatore fallimentare MARCO COTTICA e dal giudice delegato al fallimento FABRIZIO FANFARILLO nei confronti del giornale indipendente di cronaca civile“'L GAZETIN” per la pubblicazione di una serie di articoli sulla vicenda relativa al FALLIMENTO GIANONCELLI.
In the text, as well as a summary of the story, we read that "the facts alleged in the articles of 'the Gazetin have been put in place by the trustee and the bankruptcy court supervising the Gianoncelli, that both parties are acting on behalf of institutional (Ministry of Justice) for the purpose of public interest "and then asks," If the Minister feels that it should promote an activity questioned inspection aimed at verifying whether the conditions to enable, in accordance with Article 14 of Legislative Decree No 109, 2006, disciplinary action against judges in relation to the events in the introduction may be incurred in offenses referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of the Decree. "
This initiative is in response to another question on the same subject, submitted by Senators to the radical and Poretti PERDUCA April 27 last year, and find reason in the two new civil suits by the people who paid by the newspaper.
In fact, last May, Judge Fabrizio Fanfarillo has notified their intention to seek legal action against the author, publisher and SANS ENEA, LABOS to the article published in the June 2008 de ' l Gazetin titled "After the curator is now the judge to sue the newspaper, except the publication of an "apology" and "compensation for damage." Although the party had full availability to publish its own correction, though long passed the law, then the judge did notify a summons to trial at the Court of Brescia, with the first hearing scheduled for January 12, 2011 asking 30,000 € damage.
Following also the curator, Marco Cottica, sued VANNA MOTTARELLI, considered "one of the leading members of the Committee of the articles in question petitioner ' and "some parts of it the same author," Enea Sansi, as editor of the magazine and publishing company LABOS Cooperative, for articles published between September 2000 and April 2001, considered defamatory by the Court of Appeal of Milan (with appeal pending in the Supreme Court) and collected in the archive's web journal, a fact for which he had previously promoted a pre-trial procedure for the removal of the same at first getting a favorable opinion by the court but later dismissed by the PACI Board called to consider the appeal. The first hearing in the Court of Sondrio is scheduled for January 26, 2011, with demand for € 25,000 as compensation for damages suffered due to the spread and permanence Articles on the Internet.
Already on September 13 last Radical Right Next Sondrio and non-profit organization held front of the courthouse with a fair distribution of an open letter to the President of the Tribunal and the Prosecutor of the Republic, having the intent to raise public awareness, workers in the world of justice and the competent bodies to the problem of proper management and control of events bankruptcy, which has previously raised concerns about the clarity of the procedures put in place against failures but also to protect creditors.
Now, with the publication of articles on radical Web sites and charged with this parliamentary act, we support a just struggle for freedom of the press, raising with the opportunity to appeal to the 'L Gazetin to people, institutions and associations to find 50 supporters to 1,000 € to allow the newspaper to continue its business over twenty years despite the serious charges for legal fees and judgments incurred to date (over 30,000 €), as well as those who are at risk.
Morbegno, 2:12:10 PM radical sondrio
Gianfranco Camero
e-mail: - tel. 0342610141
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Confidentiality Clause In A Service Contract
in silence
giuliano.ghilotti @
in silence
A peek into banking territory Catholic IOR Valtellinese Credit, Credito Artigiano .
" It 's easier for a camel through the eye of un ago,
che un ricco entri nel Regno di Dio”
(un signore che scacciava i mercanti dal tempio)
“ Ci sono uomini qui nella Città del Vaticano che hanno dimenticato il loro compito.
Hanno ridotto questo luogo ad una piazza di mercato.
Ecco perché farò questi cambiamenti”
(Papa Albino Luciani)
IOR, un armadio zeppo di scheletri.
Cos’è, e quali sono i trascorsi IOR (Institute for Works of Religion) everyone knows, but the majority of Italians, of course.
The history of the Vatican Bank in recent decades is a veritable museum of horrors: her experience is often intertwined with the worst record of political, judicial, black, our country, with a frightening number of crimes and shady.
Gelli, creator of the masonic lodge P2 diverted, and his deputy Ortolani (in his house there were pre-conclave meetings before the election of Paul VI) , both with free access to the papal statelet ; Sindona (considered the banker of the Mafia); Calvi, president of unscrupulous Banco Ambrosiano latter two were acting with the strong bond of Archbishop Marcinkus , long-time president IOR pupil of Paul VI.
the death of the pope, took over the "church of the poor " Albino Luciani, man of steadfast faith in but in the power and money (Marco Pannella would say), but far from simple naive, able man, knowledge of six languages, did not take long to understand the abyss of corruption in the institution the Church is falling: from the very first days his gait is a surprising break that sowing panic in the highest floors in the Vatican hopes as ordinary people, the convene September 28, 1978 the Secretary of State Jean Villot and predicts what already was in the air clean sweep at IOR.
The next morning after only 33 days of "kingdom", was found dead : heart attack, the Vatican poisoned, according to those who have for years investigated, with the comfort of the most trusted people close to the Pope , the relatives, the medical officer.
The appointment of John Paul II allows all the pieces to maintain their place and the three cited " Bankers of God" lead to extreme consequences shady plots, feeding the tumor bank of complicity with the Mafia drug money laundering and weapons, bribes and personal enrichment.
The attempt to escape justice and the inevitable crash of Catholic banks will result in a long line of corpses, by the court reporter Alessandrini Pecorelli, by the liquidator of the Banco Ambrosiano Ambrosoli Varisco the colonel and the head the flying squad Boris Giuliano in Palermo; even death in custody of Sindona with bad coffee laced cyanide to Calvi committed suicide under the Ponte Dei Frati Blacks in London and his secretary who flies from the fourth floor of the bank in Milan, unable to close an epoch.
Years later, in 1993, the IOR is grappling with the case Enimont the mother of all bribes, (see document by clicking HERE ; one of the thousands who Bishop Dardozzi , from the stomach to remove the iceberg, decided to publish after his death).
When the "bomb" explodes, the bribes to reveal a glimpse of nonsense about 130 billion lire, of which 2 / 3 transited and cleared by the IOR, which others stumble in an exquisite corpse, those of the suicide of the President 's ENI, Gabriele Cagliari and Raul Gardini.
The past prefigures and affect the present. And veniamoci, to the present.
One thing leads to another.
As reported by the national press on 18 January 2010 Credit Valtellinese notify the Bank of Italy, which controls the Credito Artigiano, to apply "enhanced requirements" against the IOR, as foreign bank outside the Community. Within 90 days of the IOR must sign a formal commitment to " communicate data and information on their clients, the purpose of the report on the provision of benefits on the execution of transfers and cash transactions."
The Boards of Directors of Credito Valtellinese and Credito Artigiano have decided with effect from April 19, 2010, of disrupting the operation of 49,557 account opened by IOR at the Rome headquarters of the Credito Artigiano, at the which at that date are deposited about 28 million of € .
Il 14 settembre 2010, la Direzione del Credito Artigiano avrebbe comunicato a Bankitalia che lo IOR ha richiesto, il 6 settembre, di procedere comunque con l’esecuzione di due bonifici di 3 e 20 milioni di € alla Banca del Fucino e alla JP Morgan Frankfurt, rivelando l’impossibilità di adempiere agli obblighi di verifica rafforzata e chiedendo la sospensione delle operazioni.
Parte l’indagine della Procura di Roma nei confronti del presidente IOR Gotti Tedeschi e del Direttore Generale Paolo Cipriani per omissioni in violazione delle norme anti-riciclaggio ed il sequestro dei 23 milioni di euro del conto.
Per il Vaticano, che interviene a difesa del buon nome dello IOR, si tratta di “ un equivoco, che ora si sta esaminando ” ribadendo “ la sua totale fiducia nei dirigenti e la volontà della piena trasparenza delle operazioni finanziarie da esso compiute ”.
Si tratterebbe di semplici “ operazioni di tesoreria di cui è destinatario lo stesso Istituto su conti di sua pertinenza esistenti presso altri istituti di credito”.
La stampa riferisce che nel decreto di sequestro il G.I.P Maria Teresa Covatta rileva che tra dic. 2007 e nov. 2009, tra le voci in uscita (per 116,3 milioni ) e in entrata (For 117 600 000), finding operations that leave open more than a doubt; 72 million from the likely extinction of other accounts held with the same IOR Credito Artigiano and payments to 2.1 million in cashier's checks of subjects never coincide with the IOR, for many stakeholders.
In late September a few days will be credited to the hypothesis that the deep throat that he would take the Bank of Italy may be the inspection body Censi De Giovanni, president of Credit Valtellinese until Vatican intervention that betrays how such ridiculous assumptions. On the contrary, were true, we should consider title on the intervention of De Censi, in order to comply with the law.
is then assigned to a zealous ( honest, we would say ) Roman official Credito Artigiano the paternity of the complaint: whoever it is, rendiamogli honor and thanks.
De Censi is advisor to the Board of Superintendence the IOR, but it is also chairman of Credit Valtellinese , considered the largest banking group in the Italian Catholic, which controls, among many banks, the Credito Artigiano .
De Censi, ritenuto in buoni rapporti col Ministro Tremonti, con le 500 agenzie delle sue banche e l’ascesa allo IOR, è personaggio di primissimo piano, nel mondo bancario italiano ed internazionale.
Ma perché nascondere l’identità di intestatari e destinatari e le causali dell’operazione? Sono fondi per il sostegno dei cristiani Montagnar in Vietnam, perseguitati e decimati da un regime sanguinario, o di qualcuna delle vittime della tirannide sparse nel mondo? Ci speriamo poco.
L’ipotesi che trova più credito , come indica il reato ipotizzato, è quella della finalità di riciclaggio , malgrado i buoni propositi (con where the streets are paved hell) always expressed for the future, transparency ; use of banks' friends " to succeed in the operation.
From IOR has passed all funds for good and for works of religion and money for works of evil and wrongdoing: it is possible that they are still present and active in the accounts of IOR also dispersed at various institutions. But how do you get rid of without revealing its secrets (and risk investigations, kidnappings and beatings resulting in candid good name of the Catholic institution)?
O really believe we have to 'speak in misunderstanding between banks, however, where all using the Italian language, with emphasis Valtellina those who smugly Vatican?
not seen anything in the local press , so far, and perhaps the public deserves some explanation or justification.
Credit Gentlemen: the mystery revealed!
Sources: " Vatican spa , Gianluigi Nuzzi, ed. Chiarelettere; " In the name of God " David Yallop, ed. Tullio Pironti; sites republic Business & Finance "," Corriere della Sera, "Il Sole 24 Ore", "the press", "secular apocalypse", "AGI".
IOR letter from the President to Vatican Secretary of State on the tangent Enimont
(from Vatican spa ", Gianluigi Nuzzi, Chiarelettere editions)
Monday, November 22, 2010
My Cam Guysnipple Ring
plays the harp in Wood (?) Energy
Recentemente l'Arpa e la Polizia Provinciale hanno effettuato un sopralluogo presso la ditta Legno Energia in Scianica di Sellero. Dal verbale redatto (datato 26/10/10) risultano confermati alcuni fatti che già avevano fatto preoccupare parte della popolazione (il resto, con le fette di salame sugli occhi, continua a non vedere). Emergono numerose irregolarità, come al solito non riconducibili a semplici sviste: alcune sono citate in seguito come da verbale.
Risulta infatti che " il deposito presente al momento del sopralluogo [...], non-compliance with evidence beyond the surface areal prescribed authorization, the early evidence seems to have been handled other than in accordance "and suggested" make adequate findings in accordance with the scriptures environmental .
Furthermore, "these are discovered heaps of incoming waste [... and] shed not detected between storage areas and therefore not relevant to the authorization provided .
" These wastes are presented visually as a solution seamlessly composed mainly of fragments of wood / plant debris mixed with shredded plastics, rubber and Styrofoam . These findings lead to the prospect una mancata corrispondenza con il codice CER di identificazione del rifiuto ".
" Il suddetto materiale in deposito, soggetto a dilavamenti meteorici, emana intensi odori e vapori nauseabondi (assimilabili a fermentazione di composti organici o deiezioni animali)." L'Arpa ha provveduto a prelevare un campione da analizzare " per escludere l' eventuale pericolosità dello stesso ".
Il rifiuto presente, spostato all'interno del capannone per questioni di sicurezza, " veniva sottoposto a sequestro probatorio da parte degli agenti della Polizia Provinciale ".
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tally 7.2 Showing Internal Memory Error
Formigoni crook! Visit the prison in Sondrio
Valter Vecellio. The unbearable silence on Formigoni | |
November 15, 2010 is a question that calls answered by the secretary of the PD Pierluigi Bersani, but of the other opposition leaders : Nichi Vendola, Antonio Di Pietro, Beppe Grillo even. It is the question of who does not understand their silence on a scandalous affair, and that other countries would be discussed with a consolidated democracy, clarified, if they ask why the general public would be made in a position to know and be able to judge. spoken of the 'affair Formigoni. He let himself go in the cavalry that the current president of the Lombardy Region is in its fourth consecutive mandate, where the law requires can not be more than two. But now we are faced with something much more serious: the law provides that any list must match a certain number of signatures of voters who, when confronted with an authenticator, subscribe to those applications. It was established beyond a reasonable doubt a resounding, blinding fake lists connected to Formigoni: citizens who have publicly declared they had voted for the candidate opposing Formigoni to have discovered that it has signed lists of its support, of course without their knowledge; more: calligraphic experts have found that whole lists of signatures have been penned by the same hand ... In short, a resounding false, a blatant violation of the law. The complaint of radicals, the unheard cry for weeks: a fraud perpetrated with such ease to give the impression that impunity has been previously guaranteed and insured. The question is, why it is accepted, even by leader of the opposition, and that should be the first to lead the battle for legality, there are politicians who draw up rules and then are the first to violate them? It is a deafening silence ... Bersani, Di Pietro, Vendola, Cricket: If a governor is elected for a region of a fourth term, and does so with the lists made up, do not find it necessary, fair, appropriate and urgent to understand what has happened? Why, for "Annozero" with Formigoni in front, you have not pressed on this, you have not asked to account for anything? He was there before you, you could profit by it, why do not you have thought? We are not talking here of the greatest systems of alliances and more or less futuristic scenarios. We talk about things "trivial" information does not inform, that opposition does not oppose, and who is silent consents. It is a matter of law enforcement, rule of law. It's a small thing? Re-establish the truth about a fact of the utmost seriousness, is it not essential question, pre-court? Valter Vecellio (from Radical News , November 15, 2010) |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How To Get Rid Of A Red Spot On Nose
rock! (Feat. chain of the sink)
Series Converse All Star Vintage, a new model available here is unique.
washed black, size 37 (size outer sole 25 cm)
customized by us with:
- grommets on all four sides
- label with small pyramid studs
- dirtiness in the sole
- chains with pellets instead of laces (white laces still included) for sale on our
shop, or contact us as always!

Series Converse All Star Vintage, a new model available here is unique.
washed black, size 37 (size outer sole 25 cm)
customized by us with:
- grommets on all four sides
- label with small pyramid studs
- dirtiness in the sole
- chains with pellets instead of laces (white laces still included) for sale on our
shop, or contact us as always!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Caterpillar Older Price
new fantasies with skull bracelets Sillies
la prima ondata di braccialetti Sillies è andata a ruba. ecco dunque un riassortimento con le nuove fantasie !
fatti a mano, unici. 1 solo pezzo per ogni fantasia.
15 euro + 5 di spedizione con raccomandata - tracciabile.
pagamento con Paypal se acquistate tramite lo shop
altrimenti per pagare con ricarica Postepay o bonifico bancario, contattateci qui o tramite e-mail:

la prima ondata di braccialetti Sillies è andata a ruba. ecco dunque un riassortimento con le nuove fantasie !
fatti a mano, unici. 1 solo pezzo per ogni fantasia.
15 euro + 5 di spedizione con raccomandata - tracciabile.
pagamento con Paypal se acquistate tramite lo shop
altrimenti per pagare con ricarica Postepay o bonifico bancario, contattateci qui o tramite e-mail:
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Catchy Name For A Health Organisation
radical sondrio
NB. Rita Bernardini, Radical Members, INSPECTION VISITS TO JAIL SONDRIO.
Sunday, November 7, the Hon. Rita Bernardini, radical deputy elected from the lists of PD, will make an inspection visit to the penitentiary of Sondrio accompanied by Sergio Rovasio, National Secretary of certain rights, and the Radical GIULIA Crivellin, JOHN SANS, SANS and ENEA GIANFRANCO ROOM.
Mr. Bernardini, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, was the promoter of the recent "IN AUGUST IN PRISON" which saw some 200, including deputies, senators, MEPs and regional councils of all political visit to participate in the great mass of 216 homes Inmates and prison term in Italy.
At the end of the visit (presumably in the afternoon) will be released statements to the press.
Morbegno, 5:11:10 PM radical sondrio
Gianfranco Camero
e-mail: - tel. 0342610141
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Salt Underarm Deodorant'
Marathon Washington
Altra ottima prestazione del sellerese Ivan Bressanelli: alla maratona di Washington si classifica 17° assoluto e 1° nell'età 40-44 anni. Complimenti!
Segue la classifica dei primi 25 classificati (su quasi 22'000 partecipanti)
23 TONY DUNN TRURO 2.38.11
Altra ottima prestazione del sellerese Ivan Bressanelli: alla maratona di Washington si classifica 17° assoluto e 1° nell'età 40-44 anni. Complimenti!
Segue la classifica dei primi 25 classificati (su quasi 22'000 partecipanti)
23 TONY DUNN TRURO 2.38.11
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What To Say On A Muslim Wedding Card
No to the death penalty for Tareq Aziz
Roma, 26 ott. - (Adnkronos) - Il governo intervenga affinche' sia "evitata" l'esecuzione della condanna a morte di Tareq Aziz. E' l'impegno contenuto nella mozione firmata da Emma Bonino, Lamberto Dini, Felice Belisario, Pasquale Viespoli, Giampiero D'Alia, Luigi Compagna, Franco Marini, Giorgio Tonini, Pietro Marcenaro e Adriana Poli Bortone in favore di un'azione a favore dell'ex ministro degli Esteri iracheno. Nella mozione si ricorda che la sentenza concerns one of the seven trials in which Aziz and 'accused and the charges relate to gross and systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and can not' be no impunity '. This 'However, "the Iraqi criminal justice system can not' does not take account of international standards of justice" under which courts and international criminal courts "exclusive use of the death penalty for war crimes, genocide and crimes against 'humanity'. "
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wooden Clock Plans Free
waste crisis

Mentre a Napoli, e più precisamente a Terzigno, breaks the usual (!) emergency (?) wastes, we, in our small, we are not there with folded hands.
E 'fresh news fresh in fact that the Wood Energy (authorized to treat waste and not just "burning") must leave the property, the sentence of the Court of Brescia, a branch of Breno, no later than December 28, 2010 for failure to payment of rent (ie rent).
Also, and this should make us reflect, the Province of Brescia has warned on 7 October, the "Wood Energy and Environment Ltd (this is actually the new company name ...)" the continuation of the management waste ". Some time ago there had been complaints di cittadini per le solite "puzze", era stato segnalato lo stoccaggio presunto irregolare delle ceneri all'aria aperta ed era intervenuta la stessa provincia.
Tirando le somme, l'ipotesi più plausibile è che la gestione dei rifiuti non sia stata condotta nei migliori dei modi. Nel caso, ci si chiede che impatto ci si aspetta sull'ambiente e la salute dei cittadini... o se è meglio far finta di niente e non vedere...
Ora la ditta, affianca al nome "Legno" anche "Ambiente"...
Una volta lasciato l'immobile, chi ripulirà l'area?
Dove si trasferirà la ditta? sempre sul territorio di Sellero? Altrove?
What about the early promise when he spoke of the area as a breeding ground for local businesses and driving force for the economy?
Meanwhile, the capital of TSN (where the Wood Energy sells its product) has been cleared by a strong loss of 100% of capital invested by Selleresi. Now the spa is almost entirely in French hands. From newspapers we learn that the new TSN now includes large investments and require new autirizzazioni unspecified ...
Selleresi It seems that, like good people of the valley, have sold out another piece of land to private interests without any benefit ...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Land Value In Chennai
camouflage edition: scarf, purse and
following a bit 'the trend of the moment, we present our review of military fantasy.
3 pieces here that we propose for the occasion:
- Licia Woods clutch bag, € 45 sent by registered
- Licia Woods winter scarf, € 32 sent by registered
- Converse All Star vintage / used effect ' dirty 'application with rivets and skulls, number 41, 55 € PostaCelere1 dispatched in 24 hours at home.
for the items, please contact us via e-mail or by adding us on Facebook!
payments accepted: paypal through the shop, bank and Postepay contacting us first.

following a bit 'the trend of the moment, we present our review of military fantasy.
3 pieces here that we propose for the occasion:
- Licia Woods clutch bag, € 45 sent by registered
- Licia Woods winter scarf, € 32 sent by registered
- Converse All Star vintage / used effect ' dirty 'application with rivets and skulls, number 41, 55 € PostaCelere1 dispatched in 24 hours at home.
for the items, please contact us via e-mail or by adding us on Facebook!
payments accepted: paypal through the shop, bank and Postepay contacting us first.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lakme Hair Color Prices
Population of Elected Public
Step Request for access to documents . Population of Elected Public RadicaliSondrio also are mobilizing. On September 21, 2010 at the offices in charge of Law No 441/1982 on "Measures for the advertisement of the position of elected representatives and executive positions in some institutions."
The law provides that consiglieri comunali (dei comuni con popolazione superiore a 50000 abitanti e/o capoluoghi di provincia) e i consiglieri provinciali sono tenuti presentare: - una dichiarazione concernente i diritti reali su beni immobili e su beni mobili iscritti in pubblici registri; le azioni di società; le quote di partecipazione a società; l' esercizio di funzioni di amministratore o di sindaco di società; - copia dell' ultima dichiarazione dei redditi soggetta all'imposta sui redditi delle persone fisiche;
-una dichiarazione concernente le ultime spese elettorali sostenute e le obbligazioni assunte per la propaganda elettorale ovvero l' attestazione di essersi avvalsi exclusively of materials and means of propaganda, made available to the party or political grouping to which they belong.
Given that the Law 441/1982 also stipulates that all citizens electoral roll are entitled to know the above statements to ask ' office competent to be able to obtain copies of the statements referred to in Law 441/1982 in possession of the Administration, with particular reference to years 2008, 2009, 2010 .
Municipality and the Province of Sondrio
, we have filed for access to documents in order to know the information (among others) the provincial and municipal councilors are required to submit and made available to the public. -una dichiarazione concernente le ultime spese elettorali sostenute e le obbligazioni assunte per la propaganda elettorale ovvero l' attestazione di essersi avvalsi exclusively of materials and means of propaganda, made available to the party or political grouping to which they belong.
Given that the Law 441/1982 also stipulates that all citizens electoral roll are entitled to know the above statements to ask ' office competent to be able to obtain copies of the statements referred to in Law 441/1982 in possession of the Administration, with particular reference to years 2008, 2009, 2010 .
On September 24, 2010 the town of Sondrio start the procedure - acceptance for access to administrative documentation stating inter alia that in relation to the inquiry in respect of the councilors "the City hereby welcomes the entirety by reference to the years Solar
2007 and 2008 which were the last available year, "and that applicants can" ... see and take copies of what is required, upon payment of the cost of
€ 0.26 per each sheet" .
To date (October 7, 2010)
the Province do not have received notices. Soon we will give more information.
John Sansi for RadicaliSondrio
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Bathroom Color Scheme Burnt Orange And Brown
Marco Cottica in court again cites l' Gazetin | |
in a comment of 11/09/2010 and how to ensure Franco Gianoncelli
answering the following day, we will now give full publication of the text of the Statute of ' Association Next Right Onlus , constituted as you know last month in Sondrio. We apologize for the weeks of delay, but, on the one hand, leaders of people wish they were first completed all registration practices, recognition of legal personality etc.. and, second, have been weeks rather 'intense', here at the newspaper and publisher Labos. Did we giust'appena reported the new subpoena by the court Dr Fanfarillo and at the end of the month, us further summons was served also by the curator Dr Mark Cottica. This is due to the introduction of merit (with the request for damages for € 25,000.00) for the same items for which is already hinged to the third grade of trial proceedings (with results, you will remember, so far mixed) and Last spring, for which the Court of Sondrio in a panel rejected the 'urgency procedure' by revoking the order, in the first instance in favor of Dr Cottica, adopted by the court Paci. The first public hearing of the parties is scheduled for January 26, 2011, at the Court of Sondrio, that other, in Brescia, the previous January 12 (start of the year really a slap e. .. well-wishing, how about ?). "Hard Target", a title a couple of weeks ago, and, indeed, is no respite ... To return to the new Association, we note that while the promoters reported as the first point of reference il recapito della sede sociale come riportato nello Statuto stesso. (Es) Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus STATUTO Le premesse formano parte integrante dell’atto costitutivo e dello statuto. Art. 1 – Denominazione. The non-profit organization composed of social utility is called "Justice for the Next Profit Association Law - in memory of John Grignano '(hereinafter only' Association Onlus Next Right"). 2 - Head Office. The head of the non-profit social Next Right Association Onlus is established in the municipality of Sondrio, Via Stelvio 40. Art 3 - Purpose. The purpose of the non-profit social Next Right Association Onlus those representations to the institutions for compliance with the law, justice, the 'affirmation of the rule of law and in general compliance with the rules with the support of all those individuals, institutions, work in this direction. For the same objectives as the ' Next Right Association Onlus is proposes to take action against cases of bad justice and mismanagement of public administration, with particular attention to abuses and injustices, bullying people or "big powers" In respect of those most humble and least equipped to defend themselves. The Next Right Association Onlus intends to work for the above purposes and with direct action, including the possible actions of a legal nature, and with initiatives aimed to the media, to raise awareness on specific cases or in support of rural character General. Article 4 - Status of NPO. L ' Next Right Association Onlus qualifies as a non-profit social organization returning its own institutional purposes including those covered by art. 10, c. 1, letter a) point 10 "citizens rights" . 5 - Pursuit of charitable purposes. Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus ha per scopo esclusivo quello di perseguire le finalità di solidarietà sociale di cui ai precedenti punti 3 e 4. Art. 6 – Divieto di svolgere attività diverse da quelle menzionate ai punti 3 e 4. È fatto divieto all’ Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus di svolgere attività diverse da quelle indicate ai punti 3 e 4 eccezione fatta di quelle a esse direttamente connesse. Art. 7 – Durata. La durata dell’organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus è illimitata. Art. 8 – Scioglimento. L’ Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus potrà essere sciolta solo con delibera dell’assemblea straordinaria e solo qualora nessun associato fosse in grado di continuare a perseguire gli scopi social. 9 - Members and their applications for admission. addition to the founders, who are members of law may be admitted to the association: ordinary members, supporters and partners honorary members. Honorary members will be chosen by the President, after consultation with associates, including persons who hold positions of institutional prestige and / or who have distinguished themselves for special merit, especially for purposes supported by the association, or these similar or related. Everyone, except for members founders and honorary members, who wish to join the Association must apply on the appropriate form. For children, the form must be countersigned by a parent or legal guardian by merchants. Membership status is acquired at the time of submission of the application, subject to acceptance thereof by the President. 10 - Exemption from payment of dues. Membership association does not involve the payment of dues. Each member can contribute to the activity dell’associazione mediante prestazione gratuita della propria collaborazione, in relazione alle specifiche iniziative dell’Associazione e compatibilmente con le proprie capacità anche professionali. Art- 11 – Socio Sostenitore. Assume la qualifica di socio sostenitore l’associato che oltre alla propria collaborazione gratuita contribuirà economicamente mediante versamento di contributi per finanziare le iniziative dell’associazione. Art. 12 – Organi. Gli organi the non-profit social Next Right Association Onlus are: the President, the Vice President in the event of temporary absence of the President, the Assembly of the members. 13 - The President. The President is the legal representative of the association, which ensures the smooth operation and took over the management and control. In the deployment and, until revoked, he was appointed Chairman dell’organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità Associazione Avanti Diritto Onlus il socio fondatore, signor Gianoncelli Franco. Art. 13 – Il Vice Presidente. Il Vice Presidente sostituisce il Presidente in caso di assenza o impedimento temporaneo. La carica di vice presidente è temporanea e potrà essere assunta, all’occorrenza, da qualsiasi associato che manifesti la propria disponibilità, purché con il consenso di almeno tre soci founders, in the absence of self-nominations temporarily assumes the post of vice president senior founding partner, which you agree. 14 - The Assembly. The Assembly is convened annually in regular session to approve the report and in extraordinary session for acts of extraordinary administration. 15 - Report. The President shall ensure the preparation of annual accounts for approval by the Assembly dei consociati. Art. 16 – Anno sociale. L’anno sociale e l’esercizio finanziario iniziano il 1 gennaio e terminano il 31 dicembre di ciascun anno. Art. 17 – Patrimonio. I mezzi finanziari sono costituiti da contributi, lasciti e donazioni, nonché dai proventi derivanti da attività commerciale della ONLUS, purché effettuata nel rispetto dei limiti legislativi di cui al successivo articolo 22. 18 - Prohibition of distribution of profits. is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits and surplus, as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the organization, unless the target or distribution is imposed by law or made for other NGO which, by law, statute or regulation are part of the same structure. 19 - Obligation to use profits for institutional activities. L ' Associazione Onlus Next Right has an obligation to take profits or operating surpluses for the institutional activities and those directly related to them. 20 - relinquished property. L ' Next Right Association Onlus the obligation to donate the assets of the organization in the event of its dissolution for any reason, other non-profit social or public purposes, after the inspection body referred to in Article 3, paragraph 190, della legge 23 dicembre 1996, n. 662, salvo diversa destinazione imposta dalla legge. Art. 21 – Disciplina del rapporto associativo. Il rapporto associativo e le relative modalità sono volte a garantire l'effettività del rapporto medesimo, motivo per cui viene esclusa la temporaneità della partecipazione alla vita associativa e viene previsto per gli associati o partecipanti maggiori d'età il diritto di voto per l'approvazione e le modificazioni dello statuto e dei regolamenti e per la nomina degli organi direttivi dell'associazione. 22 - Use distinctive and NPO status. L ' Profit Association for Justice straight ahead - in memory of John Grignano for brevity use the short name " RIGHT NEXT Association - ONLUS "will make use of distinctive attached to each document that will establish, as well as on the letterhead. Any communication to the public from the header and must be accompanied by the distinctive emblem and the words' organization non-profit social 'or the acronym "NGO". 23 - related activities. be considered directly related to the institutional activities ancillary to those statutory institutional in nature, as integrated manner. The exercise of the related activities are allowed provided that, in each year, the same are not prevalent than institutional and that the proceeds do not exceed 66 percent of the total expenses of the organization. Article 24 - Standard reference. Although not specifically mentioned in this Regulations shall apply the laws governing non-profit non-profit.
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